Saturday, March 31, 2007

Can Adults Be Diagnosed With Autism?

Though we have known about Autism for a while now, much of it is still misunderstood. The classic form of autism has been known for quite some time, and when someone has it, it is rather obvious. However, the higher functioning type of autism known as Asperger's is a something that the medical community is just now learning a lot about. It was not understood for a long time, and was often misdiagnosed. Since this condition has not been historically recognized by the medical community for a long time, the question seems to be, "Can adults be diagnosed with autism?"

The answer to that question is yes. However, this can be hard. There are some doctors who do not really think that Asperger's is a real condition, or they simply do not have the knowledge they need to diagnose a child or an adult. Generally speaking, those with high functioning autism can slip under the radar. Parents might not think there is anything wrong other than their child is a little different. They chalk this up to personality and don't consider there might be something else going on.

Because high functioning patients with autism often blend in rather well, they might go undetected for a very long time. Others in their life might think they are a little odd, and may find them to be shy or socially awkward. Otherwise, they are intelligent and independent, and seem much like anyone else. They are probably going through their own personal trials however, and may be diagnosed with different mental conditions like depression or OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). They probably find that even though they can socialize some, they would rather be alone.

An adult with autism can display many traits that others use to label them as different. These are mostly related to their socialization skills. They often don't understand humor or double meanings very well. They often talk about inappropriate topics, and repeat themselves quite a lot. They may have nervous tics, and have problems with eye contact. They are also very exacting, but have problems with motor skills and are considered to be clumsy. They also have severe anxiety that bubbles away and surfaces frequently.

If you or someone you know has problems such as these, there may be a chance that they have a form of Autism. Someone who suspects they might have this condition might feel better if they are properly diagnosed, and it might help those around them understand them a lot better. There are some websites that offer tests a person can take online, and there are resources for choosing a doctor.

The first stop might be to go talk to someone. If a doctor will not take the query seriously, it is time to move on to another doctor until one is found who will help. Once diagnosed, there are many groups that offer support and help for those struggling with autism. Can adults be diagnosed with autism? Certainly. Do they have a hard time finding a doctor that will listen? Sometimes, but it's worth persevering.

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Thursday, March 29, 2007

Do You Recognize The 8 Symptoms of Migraine Headaches?

Migraine headaches are usually very intense pounding headaches that often involve only one side of the head. Migraine pain is so intense that you know it is no ordinary headache. Even slight movement can worsen the pain. Migraine headache sufferers tend to experience repeated bouts of migraine attacks and can be debilitating.

A migraine headache has many symptoms and they can vary from person to person and from episode to episode. Here are the 8 most commonly reported migraine headache symptoms.

Light sensitivity

Many sufferers experience a high degree of sensitivity to light. This often occurs just prior to the onset of a migraine and may last for the duration of it. The sensitivity may be to regular indoor lighting or natural light that doesn't normally bother you. Light sensitivity may occur an hour or two prior to any headache pain.

Flashing lights

Many migraine sufferers report seeing flashing lights, zigzag lines of light or bright spots prior to the onset of a migraine headache. This may or may not be accompanied by light sensitivity. Most sufferers will feel slightly better if they lay down in a dark, quiet room.

Sensitivity to sound

Just like sensitivity to light, sensitivity to sound is a common migraine headache symptom. Suddenly you may become acutely aware of minor noises. They may bother you to the point of complete distraction.

Unilateral headache

The intense throbbing pain of a migraine headache is unlike the pain associated with a regular headache. The pain is most often associated with one side of the head and will regularly change to the other side with the next migraine. If the pain is always concentrated in the same place each time you should alert your doctor as this may signal a more serious problem.

Nausea or vomiting

Often combined with light sensitivity, nausea or vomiting may occur as a result of over stimulation. You may begin to feel hot and woozy. You may have trouble driving or riding in a car. The nausea may also be brought on by the intense pain of the migraine headache itself.

Duration of migraine

The typical migraine episode can last from 4 to 24 hours with residual effects lasting another full day. A regular headache will not last that long and is not accompanied by other symptoms.

No response to pain relief medication

The migraine headache typically doesn't respond to regular over the counter pain medication. While there are several prescription medications that are given for migraine headaches, they often have little effect as well.

Cold hands or feet

You may feel your hands or feet become cold right before or during the onset of a migraine. This may be due to circulation changes that occur because of restricted blood vessels in the head.

If your headache is severe and is accompanied by other symptoms you should see a doctor. Only a physician can determine the cause of your headache and rule out any potential underlying problem.

Most migraine sufferers learn to recognize the symptoms of a migraine starting and are able to take relevant steps to manage it.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Understanding Migraine Headaches In An Effort Prevent Them

In the world of migraine headache sufferers, every moment can be filled with an anxiety over the possibility of another episode. A migraine headache can easily incapacitate its sufferers and put them out of commission for hours or even days. While the causes of a migraine differ from person to person, the suffering is often the same.

Migraine headaches are pervasive in this culture as more and more people experience its repercussions at some time during their life. But the ongoing sufferers – those who experience migraine headaches many times a year – have spurred continued research regarding the causes of migraines. The causes of the migraine may be varied and complex depending on the person experiencing it, but the process is the same. Research has shown that the symptoms of a migraine headache occur when the blood vessels of the brain become enlarged in response to particular irritants. This inflammation of blood vessels affects the central nervous system and, in many cases, the digestive system.

The result of this irritation can mean a variety of symptoms for the migraine sufferer including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, blurred vision, sensitivity to light, smell, and noise, and, in some severe cases, complete incapacitation for the length of the migraine. Clearly, those who suffer severe migraines on a frequent basis are subject to the interruption of their daily routine and sufferers often report difficulty in their jobs and family life. It is no wonder that the prime concern of those who suffer from migraine headaches is not only the treatment of migraines but the prevention of them as well.

Some common causes of migraines include exposure to smoke, excessive caffeine intake, red wine consumption, lack of sleep, high levels of stress, and particular foods such as those that contain certain additives. Research has also shown a correlation between migraine headaches and hormone fluctuations which may explain the propensity of women to migraines; women are much more likely to suffer migraines than men.
Because the irritants that can spark a migraine differ from person to person, it is essential that each migraine sufferer keep careful track of the frequency and circumstances surrounding their migraines. For this reason, experts agree that there is merit to keeping a migraine journal that documents all details of the episode. With careful tracking over the course of several weeks to months, sufferers may be able to see a very clear pattern of migraine triggers that they will be wise to avoid in the future.

In some cases, simply avoiding personal triggers will help to eliminate migraines. But when migraines continue, it may be necessary to consult a doctor. There are advanced methods of drug therapy that have had quite a bit of success with severe migraines.


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Buildings And Facilities - Provision For Wheelchairs

Persons having difficulty in walking, those suffering from severe illness or bodily injury, and certain physically disabled persons have no other option but to use wheelchairs. The typical type of wheelchair is made up of a seat with a backrest and a footrest, along with two small front caster wheels and two larger rear wheels. Even though there are standard versions of wheelchairs, they are usually customized to suit the need of the patient or the disabled person.

The seat size, seat-to-floor height, controls, and certain other items are normally tailor-made for the individual patient to provide maximum comfort. Several optional accessories are also available, like safety belts, adjustable backrests and anti-tip bars. Mounts for crutches, oxygen cylinders, drink holders, etc. are also provided. Using the so-called omniwheel or the mecanum wheel facilitates multidirectional movement. However, it is provided only when it is absolutely necessary, since control is not as easy as the standard types of wheelchairs.

The types of wheelchairs are self-propelled, attendant-propelled, and powered. Depending on the condition of the patient or the disabled person, one of these is selected so as to give maximum comfort for the user. Attendant-propelled wheelchairs come with back handles for easy pushing. A 4 or 5-ampere rechargeable battery runs powered types. Both dry type and wet type batteries are available, though the dry type is the most preferred one. Pediatric wheelchairs are meant for the use of pregnant women. Wheelchairs for disabled sports persons are special types, incorporating features required for participation in sports.

The American with Disabilities Act of 1990 stipulates certain mandatory provisions in building construction for ease of operation by patients or disabled persons using wheelchairs. It is a statutory requirement in the United States that all new construction for public use have to be built to ADA norms. Construction of these buildings should conform to specifications of wheelchair accessible construction. Special wheelchair ramps and elevators are added in buildings so that persons with walking disabilities would not face any undue hardship. Powered doors, fixtures like sinks with lower heights, as well as large-spaced toilets with grab bars for easy maneuvering are other requirements that are generally provided for in wheelchair accessible construction of buildings.

Hospitals that have limited floors are constructed with wheelchair ramps for all the floors. However, in large multistory hospitals and buildings, the wheelchair ramp is provided only in the ground floor or the first 2 to 3 floors. However, care is taken to ensure that the person using the wheelchair has easy access to lifts, so that they could go to any floor without difficulty. The design of the wheelchair ramp has to be done accurately to avoid difficulty while climbing up and/or skidding while coming down the ramp.
Portable wheelchair ramps are provided mostly in old buildings, where originally no provision was made for persons using wheelchairs. Public places like bus stations and train stations also provide portable wheelchair ramps chiefly to make buses and trains easy for persons in wheelchairs. Buses with low boarding platforms are also in use for such disabled persons. Airports too invariably provide such portable wheelchair ramps, when needed.

Fishing is one of the most favorite pastimes of Americans. Retired persons and persons recovering from illness simply love fishing to pass their time outdoors. Hence, fishing spots normally provide wheelchair accessible fishing facilities. Fishing is the best alternative for persons who can not practice active exercises. This outdoor pastime invigorates the body and also lifts the spirit of the person. Hence, disabled persons, retired people and those recuperating from illness keenly seek wheelchair accessible fishing facilities.

Normal lifts that accommodate six to eight persons would be too small for easy maneuvering of wheelchairs. Public places like government buildings, hospitals, courts, bus & train stations, airports, etc. are frequented by persons using wheelchairs. Hence, such places install larger lifts that facilitate easy wheelchair operations. Such special wheelchair lifts are mandatory for newly constructed buildings to enable them to conform to ADA norms.

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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Eating To Increase Your Brain Power

Twice a year, during finals week at universities across the country, thousands of bleary-eyed students camp out in the library or their living rooms, surrounded by stray soda cans and crumpled candy wrappers, some with their arms figuratively hooked up to an IV of coffee.

Unfortunately, this is merely a dress rehearsal for life in the "real world," where it's very common for people on all levels of the corporate ladder to arrive at the office early and leave late, sometimes skipping breaks and staying all night to finish that important proposal or marketing report.

Or what about frequent business travelers who spend weeks at a time on the road, catching little sleep in unfamiliar, uncomfortable motel beds? A steady diet of candy bars and soda, while providing quick boosts of energy, can do much more harm than good.

Aren't there better, healthier, or even easier ways to obtain stamina and brainpower? There are certain foods that can increase energy, stimulate focused thoughts, and enhance motivation that don't wreak havoc on your body and are healthy for you as well. They aren't "miracle foods," some hidden secret that people in some remote part of the world have been using for centuries, or a recent fad; rather they can be found in your grocery store aisles, and they aren't expensive.

Medical studies have told us that protein and carbohydrates play a big role in the chemical transmitters in our brains. Tyrosine, a chemical produced by protein, enables our brain to make various other chemicals that increase alertness and energy. These chemicals, notably dopamine and norepinephrine, cause us to react more quickly to stimuli, think clearly, and work with better accuracy.

Your best bets for protein-rich foods are the meat, fish and poultry group and the dairy group. Meat, especially, contains plenty of protein, but don't overload on fatty meat like lamb, pork and lunch meat. High fat foods can produce the opposite effect of mental alertness: a mind-numbing and lethargic feeling. Stick with lean beef, chicken, and fish, and avoid things like whole milk and hard cheeses.

Of course, common sense plays a part as well. Don't eat ten pieces of chicken to stay awake, because if your body already has enough stored alertness chemicals to draw from, it won't produce more of the same. You won't stay awake twice as long or have twice as much energy, but you could gain twice the amount of weight. Stick with the usual recommended serving sizes for these food groups.

Carbohydrates, such as pasta, potatoes, and breads produce insulin in the blood stream, which in turn makes a chemical called tryptophan, which in turn produces serotonin. Serotonin puts the breaks on stress and tension and produces a calming effect.

When you eat a potato or some pasta for example, it calms your nerves and your mind becomes more focused. To achieve this effect, however, don't combine these foods with protein-laden ones, because the process will be blocked.

Complex carbohydrate foods are the way to go to achieve the calming effect. Starchy foods like such as bread, pasta, crackers, rice, or other grains aren't so fattening if you leave off the fattening toppings.

Medical studies have shown that the way to eat for a healthy and productive mind is to eat for a healthy body. Having a balanced diet is essential, but forget the old standard of four food groups that was drilled into our elementary school heads, because the new "food pyramid" has taken its place.

Meat has taken a back seat to grains and breads, and the serving sizes have changed. Fruit and vegetables each have their own group, and their daily servings, along with those of the bread and cereal group, have increased. Daily allowances are based on the needs of an adult over 25 years old.

At the bottom of the pyramid lays the bread, cereal, rice and pasta groups. Six to 11 servings per day should be consumed; examples of one serving are a slice of bread, one ounce of cereal, or a few crackers. Three to five servings of vegetables and two to four servings of fruit a day are the next step in the pyramid.

Milk, cheese and yogurt are good sources of the milk group, of which two to three servings per day should be consumed. You can count a cup of milk, yogurt, or one and a half cups of ice cream as one serving.

Even though some people have wiped their plates clean of meat, it still remains on the pyramid and, yes, it's still considered healthy. This group contains not only meat, poultry, and fish, but eggs and beans as well. Only two to three servings should be eaten daily.

At the topmost point of the food pyramid sit fats, oils, and sweets. These should be consumed sparingly and should never replace those groups below them on the pyramid. In general, most people should follow the guidelines of the food pyramid to obtain all the required vitamins and minerals.

Keep in mind that a well-balanced diet is the key to good health and general well-being. Stocking up on vitamins and herbs may not make you any healthier than someone who balances his or her diet with choices from several food groups, and may in fact make you less healthy.

Your energy and brain power can also be increased by healthy eating. While this is a long-term effect, bursts of stamina and mental clarity can be achieved in moderate daily doses by drinking caffeinated beverages or by snacking on carbohydrates and protein.

It seems that every day a new "wonder" food, beverage, or vitamin supplement pops on the market, promising miracle cures and better health. The effects of food, however, are generally more subtle and realistic. One rule to remember is that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Copyright©2007 by Joe Love and JLM & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

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Saturday, March 24, 2007

Digital Hearing Aids Review - The 4 Leading Brands

Today's digital hearing aids are smaller than ever and come with advanced features. No matter what your budget or hearing amplification requirements, there are hearing aids designed to meet your needs. Digital hearing aids provide better sound quality than original analog hearing aids. Most leading brands offer only digital technology since the analog aids are outdated and digital hearing aids are becoming more affordable.

Siemens digital hearing aids

Siemens is a leading manufacturer of hearing aids worldwide and has been in business for over 125 years. One in every five hearing aids sold is a Siemens. Siemens uses state of the art technology to provide the best products and features for every individual's specific needs. Siemens digital hearing aids are available in basic, value and ultimate ranges.

All Siemens digital hearing aids come with a two-year warranty. The higher priced hearing aids have more channels and advanced features than the lower priced versions. If cost is a concern, try the Phoenix or Cielo digital models. The top of the line Artis e2e has digital wireless ear-to-ear technology.

Starkey digital hearing aids

Starkey Laboratories is the world's largest manufacturer of hearing instruments. Starkey was the first major hearing aid provider to give product warranty and free trial period.

Starkey has several digital hearing aid models such as Aspect, Cierra and Mesa. The Destiny range is the first hearing instrument to utilize nanoscience in its design and is available in 3 models. The top of the line Eli provides wireless solution that is compatible with Bluetooth enabled phones.

Beltone digital hearing aids

Beltone has an outstanding reputation with over 1300 locations. They have an aftercare program called Belcare to help with your ongoing needs. There are professionals at Beltone to assist you in completing a lifestyle assessment called the Personalized Hearing Health Assessment to ensure you order the right hearing aid.

Beltone digital hearing aids are available in basic, quality, advantage and premier ranges. Each group has various models to suit your needs. The Edge model is affordable and has 3 channels. The Mira is a mid-range model with 6 channels. The top of the line Oria has 12 channels and many additional features.

Rexton digital hearing aids

There are three main categories of Rexton digital hearing aids: entry-level, mid-level and high-level. The Arena is a classic digital hearing instrument in the basic range. The Targa model is a mid-level hearing aid that provides programmable memories and adaptive noise reduction (ANR) as well as microphone noise reduction (MNR). The Calibra model offers up to four programmable memories, which are programmed by the hearing health professional to respond to different listening environments according to user preferences. The Revera is a digital wireless solution for binaural users and includes state-of-the-art features as well as a wireless remote.

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Friday, March 23, 2007

What Are Centers of Excellence at Hospitals?

When I first began researching information on various hospitals across the United States, I came across many hospitals that offered a variety of Centers of Excellence. I was curious as to what constituted a Center of Excellence as opposed to just listing a program as a specialty service, so I decided to research this as well.

What I found out was that a Center of Excellence essentially means that a hospital specializes in the treatment of a certain illness or specializes in particular treatments. Centers of excellence can be anything from heart or cancer care to neurosurgery or organ transplants. Some hospitals offer a variety of Centers of Excellence whereas other hospitals might just offer one or two.

It was more difficult to find out how a hospital was able to claim the distinction of having a Center of Excellence. From what I could gather, each individual program and treatment has particular criteria that needs to be met in order for the hospital to state that their program is a Center of Excellence. They might require that the treatments be performed by a certain type of doctor or that a certain amount of treatments are performed annually.

I also found that different health care programs and health insurance programs will also designate a program of a hospital as a Center of Excellence based on their own criteria. This might mean that they are more likely to recommend this hospital as opposed to another hospital. They do this as a service to the patients who have their insurance to help them make an informed decision about which program is right for them. If you have a question about a particular hospitals Center of Excellence designation, you should ask them about how they received the designation and who gave it to them.

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Prenatal Vitamins - Make Sure You and Your Baby Are Healthy During Pregnancy

One thing all expecting mothers want is to provide the best nutrition for themselves and their unborn babies. This can sometimes be a most difficult task when you factor in all the conditions that make eating sometimes difficult for expecting women. Things like morning sickness, the loss of appetite or even cravings for only particular types of foods.

With this in mind it's a good idea if you as an expecting mother take a prenatal vitamin as early as possible. It's still undecided if there are any benefits to taking it during the conception planning stages but there are some who recommend it. You might be asking why it would be important to take prenatal vitamins so early, even before the baby is born. There is an easy answer to this question. Prenatal vitamins are specially formulated to make sure that both the mother and child receive the nutritional requirements the both of them need. Taking them early on even before pregnancy can ensure that those vitamins and minerals are available right from the start.

You might now be asking why not just take a regular multi vitamin. The reason is that prenatal vitamins contain different quantities of the vitamins we need to accommodate those things that unborn babies and expecting mothers really need like extra folic acid. Higher levels of calcium are also necessary so when looking for a prenatal vitamin make sure you have one that gives you between 1.2 and 1.5 grams a day or 1200 to 1500 milligrams.

Another major deficiency that appears often in pregnant women is lack of iron. Lack of iron means that there can be a lack of important oxygen flow between both mother and baby because of this it's vitally important to make sure you are taking in enough iron.

It's also important to keep in mind that prenatal vitamins are only to be used as dietary supplements and is not a replacement for a properly balanced diet. If you want the vitamins and minerals in your prenatal vitamin to be absorbed properly you'll need the other nutrients found in food. Eating healthy and taking a prenatal supplement work together to make sure you and your baby stay health and have the building blocks necessary to promote good health.

Often times with all the hustle, the waiting, the emotional ups and downs, the cravings, lose of appetite, morning sickness a woman doesn't want to have to content with remembered to take pills once or twice a day. You might feel like it really isn't that important. It is however, that important. Because of all the cravings, morning sickness, loss of appetite you could be deficient in a number of vital areas when it comes to vitamins and minerals. Making sure you take a prenatal vitamin every morning or twice a day as recommended by your primary care or OB-GYN is one of the important steps you need to take in order to ensure you have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby

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Monday, March 19, 2007

Stress Management and a Power-Nap

A recent study in Greece showed that working men who had a nap after lunch had a 74% reduced rate of heart attacks over those who did not rest.

We are all subject to stress in one form or another and need to devise ways of reducing and avoiding it.

You will be less subject to stress if you are well rested and eat proper nutritious food. Many fast foods cause your mind and body to become hyperactive and then reverse this rapidly to a considerable down. The best food to eat is dominantly natural carbohydrate of fruit, vegetable, cereals, rice or pasta. This is absorbed slowly and keeps your blood sugar at a good level for a prolonged time.

The body and mind need more short periods of rest than we have been accustomed to allowing ourselves. Even a few minutes total relaxation will refresh you so that you can continue with what you were doing in a much more effective way. You can learn to relax fully and to have a power-nap quite easily in the comfort of your own home.

A power-nap will put you into a refreshing phase of sleep, but not so deep that you wake up feeling even more tired than before you started. A power-nap should last from a couple of minutes up to a maximum of twenty minutes and can be done anywhere - even in the middle of a meeting, as long as you know you have a period that doesn't involve you.

You should relax all the muscles of your body from the top of your head down to your toes. Imagine yourself to be in a warm and comfortable environment that has happy, relaxing memories for you, and gently will yourself in to a relaxing sleep. Say to yourself I am relaxing and drifting gently asleep, and repeat this slowly, and quietly. You will drift off in to a gentle sleep.

This may sound ridiculous and impossible to you but it will come easily with a little training and practice which you will be helped to acquire through the resource box web site.

You will learn to set your own internal alarm clock which will wake you up in the number of minutes you set it at. You will then gradually wake up to a bright sunny day, feeling rejuvenated.

Learn how to relax your body fully, apart from the whole concept of a full power-nap, by relaxing all your muscles from top to toe. This can be done in whole or in part while sitting at your desk or armchair. Loosen up your neck and shoulders, particularly if you are sitting at a computer screen all day. An on-site neck and shoulder massage is a great help in this.

Deep breathing in a confrontational situation will calm you down to be able to argue more rationally and effectively.

You will see more on this, and much more, in the better memory skills web site and you will have the opportunity to keep up to date by registering for the free e-zyne with recent news and the thoughts of others on the whole concept of better memory. This course is written by a family doctor with years of experience who has trained senior management from major international companies, the armed forces and government departments.

The full 26 week course covers 13 topics in fortnightly articles with guidance and encouragement to continue to learn. This costs only £52 and will open your life to new opportunities, interests and friendships.

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Sunday, March 18, 2007

What is Red Clover

Red clover, or Trifolium pratense, is a species of clover believed to have therapeutic benefits, particularly for treating menopause and some respiratory problems. It is also grown as a fodder crop and has often been selected for agriculture use. What is red clover, what does it look like, what are its benefits, and what are its precautions? All these will be discussed here.

1. Physical aspects: What is red clover?

Red clover is a herbaceous perennial plant native to western Asia, northwest Africa, and Europe; it varies in size, and can grow from 20 to 80 cm tall. It has three leaflets, termed as trifoliate; each leaflet ranging from 15 to 30 mm long and 8 to 15 mm wide. The leaflets have a green color, with a pale crescent around the outer half of the leaves. It has dark pink flowers with a paler base which produce a dense inflorescence. Because of its wide use, it has been naturalized in temperate areas, including Australasia and the Americas.

2. Agricultural benefits: What is red clover?

As mentioned, red clover is grown as fodder cop and is utilized by many Cultivar Groups for agricultural use. Derived from var. sativum. it increases soil fertility due to its nitrogen fixation.

3. Menopausal benefits: What is red clover?

Red clover contains isoflavones and phytoestrogens, two components believed to help treat menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes. Isoflavens in particular, are said to mimic the effects of estrogen—the female sex hormone. Thus, scientists are testing red clover as an alternative to Hormone Replacement Therapy—a treatment that has shown to increase the risk of breast cancer with its continued use. Red clover extract in the form of pills and herbal supplements are currently being sold in the market.

4. Other benefits: What is red clover?

Red clover is also sold and marketed as a treatment for respiratory problems such as whooping cough and bronchitis. It is also marketed as a remedy for chronic skin conditions such as sores, eczema, psoriasis, and scrofula. It can also be gargled as a treatment for sore throats and mouth ulcers.

IMPORTANT: Now that you know what is red clover, take in mind that red clover sold in any form, as herbal supplements, extracts, or in natural form, is not regulated and evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration Board. To confirm the cleanliness and integrity of the product (that the bottle contains what the label claims), choose a product that is made by manufacturer who strictly adheres to GMP standards.


Saturday, March 17, 2007

Top 4 Ways To Treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The most common treatments for irritable bowel syndrome are fiber supplements and laxatives. Sufferers often find themselves caught in one of two extremes, loose bowels or constipation. These over the counter remedies are often used for years before a person is diagnosed with the disease. So, the most common form of treatment for irritable bowel syndrome is to treat the appropriate symptom. However, even those with loose bowels are encouraged to take fiber supplements or increase their dietary fiber because the pendulum often swings from one extreme to the other.

The second most common treatment, recommended for all sufferers of irritable bowel syndrome, is lifestyle adjustments. Doctors believe that many lifestyle issues contribute to the development and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. They recommend these lifestyle issues be adjusted to help prevent continuing problems with the disease. People suffering from irritable bowel syndrome should seek counseling or other methods to reduce their stress levels. They should exercise regularly, particularly through walking, and should be certain to maintain proper hydration and nutrition, drinking at least 64 ounces of water a day.

Some foods can further irritate the digestive tract, causing additional problems, and diarrhea can lead to dehydration. Proper hydration can also help treat irritable bowel syndrome by minimizing constipation. Doctors often recommend sufferers maintain a food diary to be able to easily track which foods or types of foods increase their symptoms. Patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome are often told to avoid carbonated beverages and raw fruits and vegetables which can contribute to gas and bloating. Caffeine should also be avoided due to its dehydrating effects.

In addition to those lifestyle changes, doctors often treat irritable bowel syndrome with three different medications. Sufferers are usually first given an antispasmodic to prevent colon spasms and the associated pain. Oral antispasmodics are designed to prevent cramping and reduce the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Colon spasms not only create pain for the person with irritable bowel syndrome, but also upset the balance of the digestive tract and can lead to additional health issues. The second prescription medication often given to treat irritable bowel syndrome is some form of antidepressant. The antidepressants often help the sufferer to relax and therefore minimize the symptoms.
Finally, the third medication often prescribed to treat irritable bowel syndrome is mild muscle relaxants. These are usually prescribed because both antispasmodics and antidepressants can cause dehydration, leading to more constipation problems.

Researchers are developing combination medications to treat irritable bowel syndrome symptoms, but they have yet to determine the cause of the syndrome. Without knowing the cause, doctors can only treat the obvious symptoms and the lifestyle issues which tend to go hand in hand with the disease.


Thursday, March 15, 2007

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Monday, March 12, 2007

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Friday, March 09, 2007

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

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Sunday, March 04, 2007

Ultimate Ears 3 Studio Earphones (Black)

List Price:$29.99
You Save: $12.89
Final Price:$17.1
Description :
Using a double sided nonstick surface the Cuisinart WMS-W2 Grilled Sandwich Maker quickly warms cheese, chicken, and cold-cut sandwiches in a jiffy.

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Friday, March 02, 2007

Holmes BT200RC-U Remote Control Dual Direction Digital Tower Fan

List Price:$49.99
You Save: $24.5
Final Price:$25.49
Description :
Cook up family-sized meals with Culinary Pro's indoor grill! It takes just minutes to grill steaks, chicken, burgers, sausage, fish, or veggies with this electric grill. Cooks from both sides so that even the thickest steaks arrive at the table fast, hot and grilled to perfection. Grease is channeled into an attached 2-cup tray for healthier meals. Non-stick cooking grids; wipe clean. 10"W x 13"D x 6"H. 900W.
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