Monday, May 21, 2007

Liquid Vitamins are Best

Vitamins. We all need them. But how to get them is the question. Wonder no more. Now liquid vitamins are available.

What is so great about liquid vitamins? Well, for one thing, more absorb. Your typical pill absorptions is only about 10%. They have found lots of undigested pills in sewage treatment plants. That means you are getting 10% of the nutrition (maybe) and losing 90% of the money you spent on the vitamins.

Liquid vitamins have a much greater absorption rate. Why is this true? For the most part, people have poor digestive tracks. The powers of digestion are weakened. Why? For one thing, most people do not have enough digestive enzymes to digest their food properly. For another, due to the diet of refined foods, there is a "caking" of the intestinal track. Have you ever held a piece of white bread in your hand and squished it? What happens? It becomes a gooey glob. Well, when you eat refine food it gooks up your intestinal track. Gross, but true. And, this gook hinders nutrition from getting through. So, liquid has a better chance of absorption. A good cleanse would help as well. Eating fiber would help as well.

Another thing about liquid vitamins is that they are convenient. It is a lot easier to drink your vitamins than swallow a handful of them. Have you ever had vitamins stick in your throat?

So if you care about your health, go liquid, take liquid vitamins on a regular basis and be healthy.

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