Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Anti-Depression Natural Remedies

Though the colloquial term we use for a bad mood is depression, we definitely don't refer to the clinical condition that requires intensive drug therapy. The common melancholia or sadness is usually caused by too much stress at work, lack of emotional satisfaction or some little personal failure. Such nervous and emotional conditions can be easily treated without turning to narcotic medication. One favorite alternative medicine form meant to release all the negative feelings is aromatherapy; it improves a person's mood and health inducing a state of well-being by the use of volatile herbal oils and extracts. For instance, it has become very popular now to use scented candles with essential oils as means of relaxation.

For instance ylang-ylang essential oil is successfully used in aromatherapy, soothing the nerves and helping with relaxation. But lavender oil serves even better for the purpose. Herbal extracts work even better for your mood if administered internally; you may turn to the tea form for instance as the easiest to use. Jasmine tea, a favorite of millions of people in Asia, has actually conquered the world with its unique flavor. It has a mild soothing action at the level of the nervous central system, inducing feelings of calm and tranquility. Drunk half an hour before going to bed, jasmine tea prepares the nerves for a good night's rest.

Another anti-depression herbal remedy is the valerian herb, usually recommended in the treatment of sleep disorders and nervous instability. Valerian is a mild sedative with soothing effects on the nervous system. Valerian can be used in tea form or as tincture whenever you feel overwhelmed by stress or strong emotions that get out of control. Part of its effect is the inducing of sleepiness, due to the relaxant properties of its active principles, therefore it is best to be administered in the evening. When used during the day, it is a good idea to have a light tea, so that you be able to go on with duty activities properly.

For more information on natural treatments and homeopathic remedies, please subscribe to the silver bulletin e-news magazine HERE.

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