Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Lose Fat in Stomach - 3 Mistakes You Absolutely Must Avoid

A lot of people try to lose fat in the stomach by doing the wrong things. First, lets take a look at what the most common mistakes are and why they are stopping you from your effort to lose stomach fat.

1. Doing lots of crunches

This goes back to the myth of "spot reduction." Spot reduction is the myth that you can lose fat in the stomach by working the abdominal muscles. Unfortunately, sport reduction is not possible. If you really want to lose stomach fat, you will need to reduce your overall body fat percentage. This is done by a combination of a few factors, and lots of crunches is not one of them.

Doing lots of crunches will not be a big help with increasing your metabolism. Increasing your metabolism is a key factor in reducing body fat in the stomach. This is done by the right combination of making good food choices, resistance training, and the right type of cardio called interval training.

When you have an increased metabolism, your body will be burning fat calories during physical activity and at rest. If this is combined with the right food choices, your body fat will start to go away fast!

2. Trying the fad diets and infomercial gimmicks

If you have tried to lose fat in your stomach by trying the fad diets and exercise gimmicks you see on tv, you have probably been disappointed. This is because each of these things focuses on just one aspect of fat loss. To lose fat in the stomach permanently, you need to have to the right combination of the three factors that was mentioned above.

If you try to focus only on some diet or on exercise, you are probably having trouble seeing results. What you want do do to properly lose stomach fat is to do the right things in all three areas!

3. Making good food choices and exercising, just not the right way.

If you have been trying to lose body fat by making good food choices, then good for you. It is important that you understand the importance of making good food choices. Taking in less calories than your current diet and avoiding "bad" high glycemic carbs are two of the most important factors of having a diet that is conducive to losing fat in your stomach.

Also, exercising is very important. Instead of doing lots of crunches and long cardio routines, try making a shift to resistance training and interval training. Resistance training will add lean muscle mass. Interval training will be an excellent substitute from your normal "boring" cardio routine. It basically involves alternating between high and low intensities. A combination of both of these will increase your metabolism and help you lose fat in your stomach.

So in conclusion, this article showed you the three biggest mistakes people make when trying to lose fat in their stomach. You learned the right things to do, and now its time you take action!

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