Monday, May 07, 2007

BSN Nitrix: Getting the Most from your Nitrix Supplement

Yes, there are usage instructions on the bottle, but no, they don't cover everything you need to know about Nitrix! This article will explore the way in which you can use BSN Nitrix to boost your muscle gains to a whole new level, looking better, feeling better, and performing better in the gym. First, a little background information on the supplement itself (because there is no point knowing where you are going, if you don't know where it all began)

The basis of Nitrix is a molecule called NO. The molecule was discovered in the late 90's, and the researchers who found it also found themselves on the receiving end of a Nobel Prize. The molecule itself has a primary function in relation to Nitrix and bodybuilding; it stimulates the blood vessels and increases their size. For a bodybuilder, this means that more blood can reach the muscles, and the more blood that reaches the muscles the higher the muscle nutrient saturation - in English this means that your muscles will absorb more nutrients more quickly, making you stronger, and helping you recouperate quicker after your workout. This is the essence of Nitrix.

Sounds good doesn't it? But many people often forget one simple thing: There is no point saturating your muscles with increased blood flow unless you are saturating your blood with nutrients. Supplements like Nitrix will have no 'real' effect unless you employ proper nutrition to your workout routine! Supplements like Nitrix will inherently make you 'look' bigger, but this is only due to the increased amount of blood to your muscles. To get the most out of Nitrix, i.e. to build solid, huge muscles, you will need to supplement your diet with sufficient amounts of protein, carbs, and fats in conjunction with using Nitrix.

A meal plan is often the best way of making sure you're getting the essential nutrients your body will need after a workout. Eating a protein rich meal between 5 and 6 times a day is the way to go. These meal plans are easy to make, many bodybuilders and people serious about working out have them already.

In conclusion, Nitrix is a good supplement, but only when used correctly in conjunction with a proper training and nutrition regime. Unless you are willing to commit to a proper regime, or have exceptional genetics, using supplements such as Nitrix will make little real difference to your physique.

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