Flatulence - 5 Powerful Tips To Prevent It
Passing flatus, or "breaking wind", is an ordinary everyday event for most people. Normally, an average person passes approximately 400 to 2,000 milliliters of oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and methane gases out of the anus every single day without being noticed. However, this only holds true when there is no offending odor or sound that goes along with it! Unfortunately, that is not always the case.
What causes smelly flatulence?
Under certain circumstances, food particles from the small intestine may pass undigested through the large intestine (the area where the fermentation process is facilitated). When the bacteria present in the colon attacks these undigested materials, the resulting gas gives the flatus its characteristic odor.
Expelling foul-smelling and noisy flatus can be a rather humiliating event. In these situations, what is considered as an insignificant bodily process can turn out to be a major cause of embarrassment!
Why risk humiliating yourself, just because of this, when you can do something to prevent it? To avoid the embarrassment that can result from smelly flatulence, these ideas might be worth a try:
Watch your diet. Certain foods can be considered as "flatulogenics" or "gassers". These foods can cause excessive flatulence, earning them the reputation of being the top flatus producers. Among the most notable foods in this group are beans, bran, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and onions. Beer, carbonated beverages and milk can also be counted in this group.
There are also foods that are mildly flatulogenic. Apples, apricots, bananas, carrots, celery, all citrus fruits, cucumbers, eggplant, lettuce, potatoes, prunes and raisins, radishes, soybeans and spinach can all be classified under this group. Bread and other wheat-based products, pretzels and coffee are also known to be mildly flatulogenic.
To prevent or relieve flatulence, it may be advisable for you to temporarily avoid including these foods in your diet. You can reintroduce them one by one later on when you feel that the problem has already been relieved.
Try activated charcoal. Activated charcoal tablets may be helpful in preventing flatulence, since they can absorb any excess gas in your system. However, it is important to note that activated carbon can also interfere with the action of other medications. So, if you are taking any medications, you may need to consult with your pharmacist about it.
Look for over-the-counter relief. Certain preparations, which contain simethicone such as Mylanta and Maalox, are proven to help ease flatulence. So if you need fast relief from flatulence, you may need to rely on these medications!
Reduce stress factors. Stress is known to trigger and aggravate the flatulence issue. Have you noticed how your abdominal muscles tighten when you are under a great deal of stress? The gastrointestinal tract is closely connected to the brain and is extremely sensitive to anxiety, anger and depression. Under stressful situations, the brain sends signals to the gastrointestinal tract, which then results, to the tightening of the muscles and painful spasms.
Work it out! In some cases, flatulence can also be a product of a faulty digestive system. So, when things are starting to get uncomfortable down there, try taking a walk! It may help facilitate the foods' smooth passage along the digestive tract. Or you can try rocking back and forth on the floor with your knees drawn up to your chest and your arms wrapped around your legs. This exercise is also known to help keep the digestive process in check.
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