How To Choose A Proper Cord Blood Bank
With continuous advancements in cord blood researches, expectant parents should give a serious thought to storing blood cells in a cord blood bank. Choose an appropriate and accredited storage center to preserve the valuable stem cells found in the umbilical cord of your baby. Previously what was being thrown away after clamping and cutting off the cord has now become an inevitable resource to combat life-threatening ailments. However, inefficiency of cord blood banking companies often confuses families and distracts from cord blood banking. Therefore, an authentic storage center with large storage capacity and other facilities is the need of the hour in the accumulation and supply of stem cells.
Factors To Watch Out For In Choosing A Cord Blood Cell Storage Center
Growing number of storage centers in America are catering to the need for storing umbilical cord blood stem cells. People may expect to pay around $1,500 as initial payments and thereafter, $100 as annual payment. Some organizations enable donors to save as much as $500 on their total expenses of cord blood stem cell banking. Though the cost of cord blood registry seems to be unaffordable by most of the donors, this expensive investment can help you give your family a safeguard in the face of major ailments.
Some companies have their own infrastructure to support storage facility, while other companies may use third parties' support to store your samples. Using the second type to bank blood cord cells is not prohibited, but, be certain that you have sufficient details of the bank that preserves your samples.
Before you decide to use a company's storage services, check out their records to ensure incidences of transplants where their stored cord blood samples have been used. The ultimate goal of cord blood registry is to be used in the transplants. Hence, donors must check the records to find how frequently and efficiently the storage center has used their samples. Different methods of storage bring different levels of success in transplants. Therefore, enquire about the methods followed by the company in storing and processing of cord blood cells.
It is necessary to get your samples approved by the hospitals for transfusing. Hospitals will not find cord blood samples viable if the storage center is not an accredited company.
Opt for an umbilical cord blood bank that is certified by the AABB. Blood banks certified by the American Association of Blood Banks [AABB] display relevant information on the homepage of their sites in support of their certification received by AABB. Therefore, finding an AABB approved blood cord storage center is not that challenging. Since most of the hospitals prefer samples stored by unaccredited storage center, so you must also prefer an AABB accredited bank to donate your sample.
Researches on cord blood cells are advancing. Increasing numbers of healing benefits have spurred greater requirements for cord blood cells to treat numerous ailments. Hence, a cord blood bank can elevate its standard of quality and genuineness to supply greater quantities of these cells to save your family from more than 70 deadly diseases.
Labels: cord blood bank, cord blood banking, cord blood stem cell banking, umbilical cord blood bank
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