Thursday, May 31, 2007

Green Tea Capsules - Your Personal Health Guru

Much has been written about how green tea was discovered. Some of them are utterly fantastic, such as the one about Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, who tore off his eyelids in frustration at not being able to stay awake during meditation and that a tea plant sprouted from the spot where his eyelids landed.

And then there is the one about the leaf that fell on an open pot of water that a Chinese emperor was boiling. He liked the refreshing taste that the leaf introduced into the water and soon found that the brew could cure headaches and body aches, among others. He even decreed that his people should start drinking this magical elixir.

Regardless of which story you may have heard, green tea is extracted from the Camellia sinensis shrub. It has been determined that the extracts are rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Polyphenols are also known as antioxidants which act on harmful free radicals inside the body. These are the major causes of diseases. Besides inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, green tea is able to eliminate harmful cells without damaging healthy ones.

Aside from suppressing harmful cells, here are a few other areas in which green tea benefits your health:

  • Reduces the risk of heart diseases. Green tea has the ability to lower cholesterol levels. The antioxidants target the bad cholesterol and leads to a balance between the good and bad cholesterols.

  • Stimulates blood flow. This is due to the presence of caffeine in green tea. It mildly stimulates the heart, which in turn increases the blood flow throughout the body.

  • Suppresses appetite. One of the most popular attributes of green tea is that it aids weight loss. It has been found that green tea affects a hormone known as leptin, which decreases appetite.

  • Enhances metabolism. Hand-in-hand with lowering leptin levels, green tea also increases noradrenaline levels. Increasing the activity of this particular neurotransmitter results in the burning of bodily fat.

  • Slows aging and its effects. The presence of free radicals in the body leads to unwanted diseases and aging. By counteracting them through the presence of antioxidants, green tea is able to slow down premature aging and at the same time contributes to clearer, younger-looking skin.

When shopping, be warned though that there are many bottled leisure drinks nowadays capitalizing on the popularity of green tea. They promote themselves as healthy green tea beverages when in reality, they are nothing more than sugar water infused with a less than significant amount of green tea extracts. You are better off buying the real powdered product or in capsule forms.

It is quite apparent that green tea is an expert in many areas of providing good health. Aside from the benefits mentioned above, there are anecdotal accounts from ancient China about how green tea prevents tooth decay, promotes longevity, relieves constipation, treats depression, and keeps the eyes sharp. These are the stuff that legends are made of. Put them all together and you have your own personal health legend--the guru known as green tea.

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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Traumatic Brain Injury Questions and Answers

First of all, what is Traumatic Brain Injury?

Traumatic brain injury, or acquired brain injury, more commonly called a head injury, occurs when there is sudden trauma to the head causing damage to the brain.

This can happen when the head is struck by an object, say a baseball, or when the head comes to a sudden stop as in a car accident. The head receives a sudden blow causing damage to the soft tissue inside the skull. If the skull is pierced the result is caused an open head injury, but if the skull remains intact, the injury is called closed, for obvious reasons.

However the brain is damaged, the results can be horrifying. At the minor end, the victim may start having headaches, feel nauseous, experience blurred vision, maybe having memory problems and sleep disturbance, or even some mild personality differences from before the injury. If the result is moderate traumatic brain injury, then all these symptoms are magnified, with the possibility of more showing up too. For severe injury, the headaches may continue, there may be convulsions, slurred speech, one eye dilated more than the other, more confusion, more personality differences, with the senses experiencing confusion. There can be paralysis,, moderate or severe, and of course, the worst traumatic brain injury of all can lead to death.

What can be done for someone with Traumatic Brain Injury?

The best thing is to have the victim see a medical professional as soon as possible, so they can try to minimize the effects of the brain injury. This entails making sure there is an adequate supply of oxygen to the body at all times to lower the risks of brain damage. The blood pressure of the victim needs to be monitored, as this level can indicate if there are other likely problems from the injury. There may be the need for X-rays of the neck and skull to see if there are any fractures of the skull or spinal column. Depending on the severity of the injury, the patient can receive help adjusting to their situation, for example, they may have to learn to walk again, or learn to talk.

What about the Future?

The recovery from a traumatic brain injury is not completely known a few hours after the injury, in fact it may be months before the specialists can give a prognosis, and even then they may be completely wrong. This is the good news, the specialists can be and are sometimes wrong. So to elaborate a little more, there is always hope for a brain injured person, and this hope is worth clinging to at all costs.

With hope, the victim may try harder to recover the use of limbs or voice, or whatever has been lost. Without hope, why even try? Now the brain can and does sometimes help itself out when one area of the brain is damaged, but time is short, and there is more at the website below.

Is there Research on Traumatic Brain Injuries?

Yes research is going on all the time into traumatic brain injuries and the success of various treatments. A lot more needs to be known about how the brain helps itself to recover, so there is the need for a lot more research of course. Science has made tremendous strides in the past, and will continue to do so, as long as there is the funding for the research,

How can family and friends help?

As I mentioned before, hope is the single, biggest thing that anyone can use. Without hope, anyone can easily give up, but with hope, even though the process may be very slow and painful, at least there is progress. If improvement is not immediately noticeable, there may still be the chance of a recovery to some extent, once time has had a chance to do its healing. So if you know of someone with a traumatic brain injury, be patient with them, never allow them to be defeated. A positive attitude really can help with more than we realize and not just with traumatic brain injury.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Cholesterol Reducing Diet

In some cases you can reduce your cholesterol by simply modifying your diet. With some simple changes to the way you cook and eat, you can get your cholesterol to a healthy level.

Reduce your fat.
There are two types of fat, saturated and unsaturated. You want to reduce your total fat consumption. This will help to reduce your caloric intake as well as reduce your intake of saturated fat. Saturated fat causes your blood cholesterol level to rise. This is the biggest culprit of your cholesterol battles. Saturated fats are mostly found in animal products, but some vegetables contain saturated fats as well. It should also be noted that most commercially processed foods are high in saturated fat.

Unsaturated fat, on the other hand, can actually work to reduce your cholesterol levels, particularly when you substitute it for saturated fat. Learn to read your labels when shopping for foods such as salad dressing. Look for unsaturated, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated on the label. Watch out for terms such as hydrogenated.

You can also get a healthy dose of unsaturated fats in fish and shellfish. These special fats are referred to as fish oils or omega 3 fatty acids. Fatty fish have the highest concentration of these special oils. Fish such as salmon, herring, mackerel and sardines contain high amount of omega 3 fatty acids. You should try to eat at least two servings of fish a week.

Eat fewer foods that are high cholesterol
Now, before you scoff at this recommendation, realize that you may be ingesting high cholesterol foods and not even realize it. Some foods that are high in cholesterol include eggs, dairy products, poultry and meat. Egg yolks and organ meats are very high in cholesterol. Fish is usually somewhat low in cholesterol, but shellfish may vary in its cholesterol content. Foods that come from plants such as fruits, vegetables, grains, cereals, nuts and seeds do not have any cholesterol.

Your cholesterol reducing diet should follow these recommendations:

* Reduce your fat and calorie intake

* Cut back on sugar

* Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables

* Eat more foods that are high in complex carbohydrates

* Eat fish two or more times a week

* Trim the fat off of meat and remove the skin from poultry

* Do not eat more than four eggs a week and discard every other egg yolk, replacing it with an egg white

* Stay away from commercially processed foods

* Exercise regularly

Modifying your diet can help you reduce your cholesterol. It can also help you lose weight if you are carrying a few extra pounds. Keep in mind that the more you stick to fresh foods and stay away from processed foods, the healthier you will be eating. The healthier that you eat, the healthier you will be. This is a natural, healthy way to reduce the cholesterol in your blood and once you do that, you will lower your risk of certain diseases and health conditions.

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Saturday, May 26, 2007

Top 8 Ways To Help Yourself Eat Right

The benefits of eating health and right are numerous, it changes not only the way you look and feel about yourself, but the health benefits are also numerous. Here are the top 8 ways you can help yourself to eat right, look better and feel healthier.

Establishing a regular schedule for eating is a great way to train yourself to eat right. This not only includes main meals but also snacking. Never be tempted to miss out on breakfast and just grab coffee. By doing this you are setting yourself up for snacking around mid morning.
Always start off your day with a healthy nutritional breakfast with juice. Have a sensible lunch and don't forget to include fruit and vegetables, follow this by a healthy dinner with plenty of fresh vegetables. If you do snack then keep vegetables and fruit handy to nibble instead of reaching for the cookies.

Always make sure that you keep plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables around the home to snack on. You can cut up carrots into sticks or celery and put them in the fridge, the same goes with fruit, try making a fruit salad in the evening, cover it up airtight and chill it overnight.

Motivate yourself to eat better, if you don't get enough exercise then start up a routine. Work out or go for walk before meals to build up an appetite and always think about eating healthier when shopping for food and planning meals for the week ahead. If you are stuck for ideas then check out the numerous healthy eating recipes online.

Instead of just picking ready meals from the shelves of supermarkets, sit down and think about your meals and write out a shopping list before you go shopping. Remember to include lots of healthy foods such as fruit, vegetables, nuts, and chicken, fish and lean meat.

Take notice of what you are drinking; this is as important as what you eat. Do you drink a lot of coffee or tea? This is a stimulant, so if you do cut down, drink more water, natural juices and milk and keep a track of the soft drinks with sugar and additives.

When shopping always remember to read the labels on food packaging. It can be surprising how many calories packaged food contains along with large amounts of salt and additives.

If you like take away food then limit yourself, there are a large amount of calories in many of the fast foods. Only eat out every once in a while or why not try a salad or pasta instead of burgers, fries or pizza. It's a lot healthier.

If you like snacking then consider replacing chips, cookies and candy with nuts or health food bars. There are numerous health food bars available which contain a set amount of calories while providing a nutritional and tasty snack. If you have to eat crisps and chips then go for the ones which are low in salt and oils.

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Friday, May 25, 2007

Immune Stimulant - Why Choose Tea Tree Oil & Methods of Application

Strengthen your immune system with Lavender essential oil. Here's why, along with the methods of application I recommend and other essential oils to choose for making a powerful immune stimulant blend.

TEA TREE ( Melaleuca alternifolia ) - Tea Tree has a strongly medicinal and antiseptic smell and is well tolerated by most individuals.

Captain James Cook and his mates when arriving in Australia in the 1700's wanted a refreshing herbal tea to drink. They chose the fragrant leaves of a tree. The tree has been called Tea Tree ever since.

An immune stimulant Tea Tree has an undisputed popular reputation for being the first choice of essential oils when treating fungal and bacterial infections.

Known as a cure all treatment for many chronic and acute bacterial, fungal and viral conditions.

By stimulating the formation of white blood cells Tea Tree promotes and strengthens the body's immune system.

Consider using Tea Tree for treating bladder infections, bronchitis AND sinusitis.

Use Tea Tree to eliminate athlete's foot, blend with Lavender and Thyme to enhance your results!

A decongestant and an analgesic/pain reliever Tea Tree is helpful for relieving cold and flu symptoms.



STEAM INHALATION ~ Add 2-6 drops of oil to a large bowl of steaming hot water, put a towel over your head to capture the steam. Close your eyes and inhale until water cools or until you stop smelling the oil. Repeat, if necessary, every 4-5 hours. Relieves sinus congestion, coughs, colds, flu and sore throats. Suggested oils to use with children: eucalyptus, lavender, lemon and tea tree.

HUMIDIFIER (cool mist) ~ Add from 2-6 drops of oil to the water of your humidifier. Run overnight, or add the essential oils 2-3 times during the day, if running continuously. This is an effective method of using oils with a sick child.

WARNING Essential Oils can damage humidifier plastic and rubber parts.

2) COLD AIR DIFFUSION has a basket in which a pad with drops of oils are applied. A small fan blows cool air through the oils lifting them into the air for dispersal. This is a cost effective way for diffusing the oils.

Research shows that cold-air diffusing certain oils may:

1) Reduce bacteria, fungus, mold and unpleasant odors

2) Relax and relieve tension, as well as clear the mind

3) Help with weight management

4) Improve concentration, alertness and mental clarity

Start by diffusing oils only 15-30 minutes per day. As you become accustomed to the oils and recognize the effects, increase the time. In illness, inhale near the "mouth" of the nebulizer. A short session of breathing in the oils for 4-5 minutes should be sufficient, repeat every few hours.

3) AROMATIC MIST - Use as a room spray and deodorizer. DIRECTIONS - To 4 ounces of distilled water add 80-120 drops of your essential oil, shake well and spray.

IMMUNE STIMULANT BLEND: Eucalyptus, Thyme, Lavender, Lemon, Rosemary, Cinnamon Leaf and Bark, Ravensara, Clove

PLEASE NOTE: There are many cheap, synthetic copies of aromatic oils, but these are not recommended for therapeutic use. For best results purchase the highest quality oils you can possibly find. Use certified organic essential oils, or oils that have been tested and are pesticide free.

Holistic MindBody Therapy, including pure essential oils, are gentle, noninvasive complementary forms of health care for balancing and synchronizing your body, mind and spirit and a natural, safe and effective way to enhance your health and well-being. Holistic health care may produce satisfying results where other methods have failed. Please consult with your physician regarding serious health concerns and do not attempt to self diagnose.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Do You Really Need Protein Supplements?

Protein is an important nutrient that performs a number of functions in the body. Protein molecules are long chains that are made up of amino acids, and are important in aiding the well being and functioning of the body. Amongst the functions performed by proteins are the building and repair of the body, muscle growth, aiding the production of hemoglobin, and forming antibodies to fight off disease and infection.

The truth is that it isn't difficult to get the necessary amount of protein that your body needs each day from a sensible and well balanced diet. However, in today's fast paced world filled with fast foods and microwave meals many people end up taking in reduced levels of good quality protein and levels of refined carbohydrates that are a bit too high.

Protein is a nutrient that is found in a range of foods, such as cheese, nuts, dairy products, fish, eggs, and meat. Those that eat meat may be able to step up the amount of protein that they consume by planning their diet more sensibly. Vegetarians may find this more difficult because they do not eat meat. Vegans will really struggle, as they don't eat meat, fish, or dairy products. And in some cases, such as with body builders and fitness enthusiasts, higher levels of protein may be required in the diet.

Supplement your protein intake

This is where protein supplements may be able to help. For those that are unable to arrange their diet so that they are taking in enough good quality protein, these supplements can provide a valuable solution. Whether you are someone that needs a higher intake of proteins, or whether your diet means that you simply do not get adequate levels of protein and you wish to increase this to the recommended daily amount, protein supplements could prove an effective way to do this.

They can also be useful for people who wish to increase specific amino acids only. For example, lysine is a protein supplement that is used for treating the herpes virus. And there are specific protein combinations sold as fat burners. Those people following diets such as the Zone diet often use specially made protein bars that reflect the dietary principles of that diet. Zone diet bars typically have 30% protein and 30% fat, and the remainder in carbohydrates.

Protein powders, bars, and drinks that are available on the market today offer a convenient way for bodybuilders to increase their lean protein intake, and for many, they represent a quick, nutritious snack. For those that get little to no protein in their diets, or who have a legitimate reason to increase their protein intake, this can prove an effective way to come closer to reaching their daily protein goals.

However, for those that already get plenty of protein in their diets, it is worth remembering that an excessive amount of protein in the diet can result in calcium loss through urine and in dehydration, as the body works to try and eliminate the excess. When using protein supplements, it is therefore important to be sensible and not to overdo it. Any excess nutrients, whether they are fat, carbohydrate, or protein, will be turned into fat and stored in the body. Thus, for people trying to lose weight, it's doubly important to consider the overall calorie value of the protein bars and supplemental drinks they consume.

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Monday, May 21, 2007

Liquid Vitamins are Best

Vitamins. We all need them. But how to get them is the question. Wonder no more. Now liquid vitamins are available.

What is so great about liquid vitamins? Well, for one thing, more absorb. Your typical pill absorptions is only about 10%. They have found lots of undigested pills in sewage treatment plants. That means you are getting 10% of the nutrition (maybe) and losing 90% of the money you spent on the vitamins.

Liquid vitamins have a much greater absorption rate. Why is this true? For the most part, people have poor digestive tracks. The powers of digestion are weakened. Why? For one thing, most people do not have enough digestive enzymes to digest their food properly. For another, due to the diet of refined foods, there is a "caking" of the intestinal track. Have you ever held a piece of white bread in your hand and squished it? What happens? It becomes a gooey glob. Well, when you eat refine food it gooks up your intestinal track. Gross, but true. And, this gook hinders nutrition from getting through. So, liquid has a better chance of absorption. A good cleanse would help as well. Eating fiber would help as well.

Another thing about liquid vitamins is that they are convenient. It is a lot easier to drink your vitamins than swallow a handful of them. Have you ever had vitamins stick in your throat?

So if you care about your health, go liquid, take liquid vitamins on a regular basis and be healthy.

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Saturday, May 19, 2007

Eating Disorders Bulimia and Anorexia

Eating Disorders. Bulimia and Anorexia

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, there are two types of eating disorders, bulimia and anorexia. Each are different, and each can lead to death, if left untreated. If you, or somebody you know, suffers from either, I urge you to get help. Some famous people have suffered from eating disorders, and having an eating disorder does not mean you are crazy, but it does mean you need help. Princess Di, suffered from bulemia, and Mary Carpenter suffered from anorexia, and eventually died from this disorder. Again, if you suffer from an eating disorder, get yourself help.

Bulimia is characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating, and then forced regurgitation, to avoid weight gain. Bulimia isn't just going to a buffet, gorging food, and then throwing up, because you ate too much food. Bulimia is binging on huge quantities of food at least twice per week, and then throwing up, to prevent weight gain.

Characteristics of bulimia include:

Fear of fatness

Pursuit of weight loss

Fear of loss of control of eating

Perceptual distortion of body size

Low self esteem

Anorexia is characterized by fear of gaining weight, and an intense preoccupation with weight gain or becoming fat. The person suffering from anorexia has a disturbance in perception of their own body weight, and pursuit of weight loss, and fear of loss of control of eating. 20% of people who suffer from anorexia will die from this disorder.

Characteristics of anorexia include:

Fear of weight gain

Pursuit of weight loss

Disturbance of perception of body weight

Restrictive diets ranging from 500-800 calories a day

People who suffer from eating disorders have depression and anger. Unfortunately, the anger is frequently dismissed, or ignored, and often left untreated, however it must be treated to treat this eating disorder. One of the most effective methods of treating, and talking about the anger is in a group setting, as group provides a setting in which it is difficult to manipulate the group.

The level of treatment for eating disorders is complex and beyond the scope of this article, but the levels of treatment range from self help and support groups, to low intensity outpatient treatment, to intensive treatment, to partial hospitalization programs to residential treatment, to hospitalization.

The goals of treating eating disorders are:

1. Interrupt the binge/purge cycle

2. Normalize eating patterns

3.Increase self esteem

4. Positive cognitive restructuring

5. Promote self responsibility

6. Promote flexibility

7.Stabilize chaotic thought patterns

8. Repair physical damage

9.Explore leisure activiities

10. Begin to develop healthy relationships

11. Begin to repair healthy relationships

12. Educate about recovery and relapse tools

Treating bulimia and anorexia is complex, and multifaceted process. It requires work, time and commitment. If you suffer from an eating disorder, get help. It can change your life. It can save your life.


Friday, May 18, 2007

Portable Wheelchair Ramps: Doors To Independence

Those whose disabilities confine them to wheelchairs may be further limited because they cannot access parts of their own homes nor many public areas. But their dilemma has a solution, in the form of portable wheelchair ramps.

Portable wheelchair ramps, usually constructed from collapsible steel or aluminum, offer wheelchair users easy access to stairs and vehicles, making them essential traveling accessories. Portable wheelchair ramps are ideal options for those who do not want the expense installing permanent ramps in their homes, and allow the homeowner the luxury of having one ramp work in multiple parts of the house.

Portable wheelchair ramps were along time coming, simply because of the logistics involved in deciding appropriate slope ratios and weight tolerances. But as more and more disabled people began demanding increasingly independent lifestyles, wheelchair accessory manufacturers responded by designing portable wheelchair ramps to accommodate the individual needs of their customers.

Types Of Portable Wheelchair Ramps

The best-selling portable wheelchair ramps are the suitcase variety; these collapse to the size of a suitcase when not in use, and are usually large enough to cover one or two stairs when extended. But, even when collapsed, they remain somewhat awkward to manage, both because of their bulk and because of their average 41-pound weight.

The rolling ramp is a portable wheelchair ramp with a rather peculiar appearance. But its light weight and ease of use more than compensate for its odd looks. Its user simply finds a flat surface on which to unroll it, inverts it, and has an instant, strong ramp. Rolling portable wheelchair ramps are, in fact, both stronger and more stable than suitcase ramps.

For wheelchair users who use a van for transport, the Van portable wheelchair ramp installs quickly and will handle weights of up to weight hundred pounds. Van wheelchair ramps are constructed of lightweight aluminum and have non-skid surfaces.

Many people may decide to construct portable wheelchair ramps at home; but without being able to weigh them and test their strength they may end up whit results which are unusable, or have a disaster if they choose to use them. While homemade portable wheelchair ramps may seem like the least expensive options, the risk of danger outweighs their possible savings. Commercially produced and tested portable wheelchair ramps are simply safer.

As marvelous as wheelchairs are, they cannot by themselves bring independence to the disabled. Portable wheelchair ramps, and other wheelchair accessories, have been developed to bring new opportunities to wheelchair users, and if you'd like to find out just what wheelchair enhancements are available, you can start with an Internet search!

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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Hyperhidrosis Solution to Cool Your Excessive Sweating Underarm

It's not easy having a sweating problem. Even more frustrating is the lack of people who can relate to the issue you face everyday. It doesn't matter if it's hot out or cold out, you're bound to sweat through your shirt. You wear undershirts to try to keep the perspiration from soaking through. You may have even tried wearing two undershirts on top of eachother underneath a button down or blouse. It's no use. It's not your fault. And although it's easier said than done, you should never feel embarrassed about your sweating condition. You simply are one of the many victims of genetic Hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis causes excessive sweating underarms and is an embarrassing condition for anyone at any stage of life. The truth is, you don't have to live with it. Continue reading to find out how you can ditch your excessive sweating problem in as little as just two weeks.

Sufferers will tell you that excessive sweating underarms causes huge discomfort as well as an unpleasant anti-social odor. An excessive sweating underarm also ruins clothes through staining - which becomes expensive after time.

Unpleasant body smells caused by excessive sweating underarms are the source of major social embarrassment. Did you know that there is even a law in San Luis Obispo County, California that prohibits anyone who smells unpleasant from using the libraries there?

There are two mainstream products available to help mask the problem of Hyperhidrosis. Anti-perspirants are available that work to control excessive sweating underarms and deodorants which do nothing to stop the excessive sweating underarm, but they just make it smell a little sweeter. There are also treatments available as well as these products and a great one is recommended below.

People sweat, that is a fact of life, and excessive sweating underarms can be caused by stress, high environmental temperatures, high humidity or simply hard physical labor. It is possible to lose a substantial amount of body fluid through excessive sweating underarms and this sweat is produced as a way of cooling the blood as it circulates throughout the body. We need to sweat. It is the body's natural defence mechanism against becoming overheated.

The sweat produced by the body is odorless when it leaves the body. It is bacteria living on the skin that cause excessive sweating underarm to smell less than fragrant. Helping people with this problem has become quite a business.

If excessive sweaty underarms have plagued your life for a long time, don't lose too much sleep over it. There is hope. Hyperhidrosis doesn't have to ruin you life any longer. Find out the solution this common problem.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Different Causes of Secondary Hypertension

Studies show that approximately 10% of hypertension cases are caused by other diseases. This is called secondary hypertension. In most cases of secondary hypertension, when the main cause of the disease is treated, the blood pressure returns to normal. Secondary hypertension is normally caused by the following:

• Chronic kidney failure

• Adrenal gland diseases or tumors

• Narrowing of the aorta

• Pregnancy

• Use of contraceptives (pills)

• Addiction to alcohol

• Thyroid problems

On the other hand, 90% of hypertension cases do not have a known cause and this is referred to as primary hypertension. Unlike secondary hypertension, primary hypertension does not have a specific cause. However, there are several factors that may lead to high blood pressure. These are the following:

• Obesity – This is a condition wherein a person's weight is over 30% of what it should normally be. Obese people are advised to lose weight by exercising and maintaining a balanced diet. It is recommended that an obese person should lose weight until he or she is within 15% of the normal body weight.

• Inactivity – This is normally the cause of obesity that leads to hypertension.

• Heredity – The tendency of having high blood pressure also runs in the genes. If you have a relative or a family member that has hypertension, you are a potential candidate to have it as well.

• Age – Older people are more prone to hypertension because their arteries get harder over time. This is called arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

• Salt intake – Too much intake of salt can cause hypertension especially in people who have high sensitivity to sodium. An average person consumes at least 10 to 15 times more salt when eating fast foods or processed foods. Also, medicines like painkillers contain high amount of sodium that also cause high blood pressure.

• Alcohol intake – People who are sensitive to alcohol are more likely to have hypertension if they take more than 1 drink a day. This is because alcohol tends to increase the blood pressure.

• Use of contraceptives like pills – Birth control pills contains properties that increase blood pressure.

• Drugs – Stimulants like amphetamines, dietary pills and anti-allergy pills can also cause hypertension.

Consideration of the above factors can prevent both primary and secondary hypertension. Regular exercise and diet plus regular monitoring of your blood pressure are basically the most effective ways of preventing and treating hypertension. To obtain more information about ways to prevent and treat hypertension, it is best that you consult your physician.

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Monday, May 14, 2007

Should I Date My Personal Trainer?

The sweet smell of pumping iron or running miles on the treadmill hits the air and all you can think about is the tight curves of your 2:00 appointment. In this day and age, it is not unusual for personal trainer client dating issues to arise in the workplace. While some trainers make it an absolute rule not to cross the line into personal trainer client dating territory, others toy with the idea of mixing business with pleasure.

But, at what cost? Can a budding romance at the weight bench cause controversy, scandal, and the possibility of losing your job? Are there legal issues to consider?

When a personal trainer is concerned with the passionate flame that burns for one of their "hot" clients, one of the first thoughts that may come to mind is: "will I get in trouble for acting on my attraction to a client?" Legally, there are no restrictions that prevent personal trainer client dating from taking place.

Instead, the real issues surface after advances have been made and gestures accepted…or rejected. If you come on too strong, a client may feel offended, violated, or embarrassed. They may request a different trainer or submit a formal complaint to your employer.

If you engage in what you believe is harmless flirting with the hopes of possibly striking a relationship, you could find yourself treading on very thin ice when it comes to the freedom to perform your duties as a personal trainer with others. You never know when a client will turn into a jealous admirer filled with insecurity, as you work with another they may label as competition.

Depending on your place of employment, it is usually inappropriate to make such public exhibitions as an employee of a gym. Company policy most often prohibits blatant displays of affection between a personal trainer and their patrons, and may even institute a regulation that forbids personal trainer client dating. When crossing the line with a client, you may face job loss or receive reprimand for your actions. While there are plenty of fish in the sea, is the one you're helping to build muscle tone worth your career?

On an ethical standpoint, some discourage personal trainer client dating because they view the act as taking advantage of a job position that sometimes places participants in vulnerable situations. When demonstrating a new strength-training exercise or spotting an increase in weight lifting, physical contact may occur. It is quite easy to misinterpret the signals that both the trainer and client may send.

For some, personal trainer client dating is a practice that may also open the floodgates of suspicion if any accusations should arise. A personal trainer with a reputation for dating clients may become a prime candidate for sexual harassment allegations. This is one of the only times that legal concerns present themselves regarding this type of relationship building on the job.

The best personal policy to abide by when developing feelings for a client is to pursue a relationship when they are no longer under your care or altogether avoid mingling with clients. You never know when the right man or woman turns out to be the one that will take your career in the wrong direction.

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Sunday, May 13, 2007

School Phobia - Didaskaleinophobia and Fear Treatment and Cure

There has been little research into school phobia. However the consensus is that the basis of school phobia is most likely separation anxiety. Once in school the child is usually well behaved and does his work. Overprotective parents may unwittingly contribute to the problem. Then child may lack self confidence.

A change of schools, bullying or teasing by other students, a very strict teacher or a learning disability can also be a part of the problem. You can find a school phobia and fear treatment and cure.

You should insist your child go to school everyday. Unless the child has a fever send him to school. Be aware that most schools will not allow a child to stay in school if they are vomiting or have diarrhea.

Does the child have friends? Does he spend overnight t friend's house, play at someone else's house? If so their problem is likely not separation anxiety.

If it appears the problem IS school related, meet with school officials to see what can be done to help ease your child's fears. It may be as simple as changing the child's seat. Asking for a different teacher may worsen the problem. He will have to get used to another teacher and a whole new group of classmates.

Keep your child home only when one or more of the following symptoms are present:

- repeated vomiting

- toothache

- frequent diarrhea

- constant coughing

- earache

- fever over 100 (or 37.8c)

Mild cold symptoms should not keep her home from school.

Talk to your child about why he doesn't want to go to school. Ask him exactly what it is about school that bothers him. Ask him what bad things can happen to him there. Reinforce that he needs to be in school and everyone there is going to protect him.

Do not allow a child below junior high school level to watch the morning news. War, a school shooting, a criminal on the loose in your area will only reinforce the idea that she needs to stay close to mom and dad.

If there has been a change in the family dynamics our school age child may be reacting to that. Divorce, remarriage, a new baby, or a death, loss of a pet or a sibling going off to college can all turn her world upside down.

By this point you are wondering if there is anything that you can do to help your child through this difficult period in his life. There are several steps you can take that work with most school children.

Be sure your child goes to school every day. This is the surest way for your child to get over her fears. Getting back into the routine of being in school will lessen the physical symptoms your child has been experiencing.

If she wakes up late send or take her to school anyway. School attendance is a non-negotiable rule. Don't give in. Reassure her that she will be fine in school. If she misses the bus have a plan in place for someone to drive her to school.

Talk to your child about what makes her so afraid of being in school. Let her know that you understand but insist she go to school. This strategy should bring about a school phobia and fear treatment and cure in a few weeks.

For more information on cure go to

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Friday, May 11, 2007

Lose Weight While Catching Tan - the Benefits of Sun Exposure

Sun exposure may lead to weight loss because the ultraviolets stimulate the secretion of a hormone of the pineal gland. This hormone burns the fats under the skin. The hormone`s effect is benefic if dieters follow a certain "beach" program during the summer, according to recent studies.

The efficiency of this program also depends on the diet that dieters follow, and the hours of sleep. The ultraviolets should be avoided in the first seventy or eighty minutes after sunrise. The ultraviolets during this period may have unwanted effects, such as gaining weight, for sixty-five percent of the women and seventy percent of the men.
Dieters should not consume sweet beverages during the first three hours after sunrise.

These beverages contain artificial sweeteners that may lower the level of certain hormones. Dieters should avoid mineral water when they are at the beach and do not expose to the sun for more than an hour per day. It is not recommended to go to the beach between 11:30a.m and 3:30p.m.

Always consume water each time you feel thirsty and you`re at the beach and sleep between thirty minutes and an hour and half after beach. Do not consume sweet, distilled beverages within one hour before going to sleep.

Easy workout or sports are required before each session of sun exposure. In the evening, it`s good to go to the beach at around 6.00 p.m. and until sunset, and try to fall asleep on a comfortable support. The soft, comfortable sensations stimulates certain substances that enhance the ultraviolet`s effect.

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Thursday, May 10, 2007

High Protein Low Carb Foods - Quick Tips And Warnings

Most people start a diet of high protein low carb foods by eating lots of poultry and meat then avoiding foods like rice, potatoes, bread and noodles. If you're considering this type of diet as well, here are other things you should know.

If you want to use this diet to lose weight, make sure that you inform your physician about it first. He or a recommended nutritionist will then provide you with a sample food plan identifying foods that you can and can't eat as well how much of each food group you're allowed to consume each day.

Eating too much high protein low carb foods might cause you to suffer from instant mood changes. If you're already moody before even taking this diet, you might want to reconsider dieting using this option.

Many people advocate the virtual opposite of eating high protein low carb foods. These people point out studies which reveal how diets possessing high carbs allow people to enjoy general improvement of their moods.

Be aware that even authorities like the American Heart Association and the government of the United States have guidelines regarding diets and which a high protein low carb diet violates.

With this type of diet, you should try to moderate your lifestyle because the absence of carbohydrates in your body will immediately lead to an absence of energy. Thus, you'll find yourself more easily tired and stressed. Granted, you're going to lose weight more quickly but your exhaustion might prevent you from enjoying your trimmer and healthier figure.

Eating lots of protein and almost zero carbohydrates can also slow down your thinking process. If mental agility is a must in your job, you'll definitely find this diet disadvantageous to your occupation.

There's such a thing as good protein and bad protein. So be careful then about which foods you're eating because it might contain the bad protein. Bad protein foods are disastrous to your diet!

The best source of good protein foods is seafood and fish. Better yet, these foods have low fat content as well, further preventing any chances for you to gain weight.

To end this with a positive note, you should know that amidst all those warnings, there are however two great benefits that you'll enjoy with high protein low carb foods. Firstly, you get to control your weight more easily and secondly, if you want to buff up a little, protein can help you build your muscles.


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Flu Scare- Are We Aware

It is always said that awareness can keep you away from danger. And when the scare is as threatening as bird flu, most people would not dare to take any chances. As the bird flu virus strike different parts of the world, the latest entrant been India, poultry industry is naturally the worst casualty. Though recent studies have confirmed that the flu virus is not food-borne and the poultry meat cooked at 70 degrees eliminates all possibility of the deadly H5N1 strain of bird flu virus, yet people are reluctant to take chances. Such is the extent of the scare that hundreds of people with cold and cough were turning up at medical camps in bird flu-hit areas for a check-up as precautionary measures.

Bird Flu, medically termed avian influenza is a contagious disease of animals caused by viruses that are highly species-specific and normally infect only birds but on rare occasions crossed the species barrier to infect humans as well. It spreads very rapidly through poultry flocks, causes disease affecting multiple internal organs, and has a mortality that can approach 100%, often within 48 hours. Symptoms of bird flu are very specific:

• In birds: Birds that sit still for unusually long spell, have dirty feathers, swollen necks and red spots on their feet

• In meat: Pink spots in the usually white chicken meat and runny yolk in eggs.

The bird flu virus spread-theory across the world has nailed the migratory birds as the possible suspect. Sick migratory birds shed the flu virus with their saliva, faeces and nasal secretions which in turn infect domestic birds when in contact with secretions or contaminated surfaces. Influenza viruses are highly unstable and have the ability to mutate rapidly, potentially jumping from one animal species to another. Direct contact with infected poultry, or surfaces and objects contaminated by their faeces, is presently considered the main route of human infection. The disease caused by H5N1 follows an unusually aggressive clinical course where primary viral pneumonia and multi-organ failure are common, with rapid deterioration and high fatality.

Though there has been no breakthrough in developing a vaccine for bird flu, yet the FDA has approved Tamiflu (generic Oseltamivir phosphate), an oral anti-viral drug for the treatment of uncomplicated influenza in adults whose flu symptoms have lasted more than two days. It belongs to a group of medicines called neuraminidase inhibitors. Their main task is to attack the flu virus and prevent it from spreading to other parts of the body. Tamiflu has since been used to treat type A and B influenzas but it has also been found effective against the avian flu virus H5N1 strain. Further Tamiflu information is available from health practitioners, print media and online information sites. So do not panic, bird flu is no scare if you are aware of all eventualities.

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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Types of Bladder Surgery

Bladder surgery is a medical solution for patients who no longer respond to other forms of bladder treatment. Should a patient need surgery, he must discuss it thoroughly with a surgeon. There are many types of bladder surgery available to patients with bladder problems.

One is partial cystectomy which is done when only a portion of the bladder has to be removed. This type of bladder surgery is not usually being performed. It is only done as a solution to adenocarcinoma of the bladder and such cases are very rare. Urine will still pass through the bladder the normal way after an operation. The only evident change is increase in frequency of urination.

Radical Cystectomy is another bladder surgery procedure where the whole bladder is to be removed along with the surrounding lymph nodes. If the patient is male, the surgeon will also take away the prostate. For female patients, it is the urethra that needs to be removed. Urethra is tube-like organ where urine passes through whenever the bladder excretes urine out of the body. In severe female cases, the womb and ovaries will have to be removed as well. The problem after this type of bladder surgery is of course a way to excrete urine. There are other surgeries that can solve this problem. One solution is urostomy or ileal conduit. Another one is continent urinary diversion. You need to discuss this matter with your physician and surgeon if you intend or need to undergo radical cystectomy.

Urostomy or ileal conduit is a type of procedure where a bag will be provided to collect the urine. It is likely using a bit of a small bowel to make the urine pass from the ureters to the urostomy bag. Continent urinary diversion is a newer procedure but it is not often done to patients because of the complication of the procedure and the very low success rate that it offers. It is almost like urostomy but the urine collector is a pouch inside the abdomen. Urine will be collected by means of a catheter.

Another bladder surgery type is bladder reconstruction. This is also a very new procedure but it cannot be done all types of patients. It is only possible for patients with low risk that the cancer will come back and if the urethra is not affected yet.


Monday, May 07, 2007

BSN Nitrix: Getting the Most from your Nitrix Supplement

Yes, there are usage instructions on the bottle, but no, they don't cover everything you need to know about Nitrix! This article will explore the way in which you can use BSN Nitrix to boost your muscle gains to a whole new level, looking better, feeling better, and performing better in the gym. First, a little background information on the supplement itself (because there is no point knowing where you are going, if you don't know where it all began)

The basis of Nitrix is a molecule called NO. The molecule was discovered in the late 90's, and the researchers who found it also found themselves on the receiving end of a Nobel Prize. The molecule itself has a primary function in relation to Nitrix and bodybuilding; it stimulates the blood vessels and increases their size. For a bodybuilder, this means that more blood can reach the muscles, and the more blood that reaches the muscles the higher the muscle nutrient saturation - in English this means that your muscles will absorb more nutrients more quickly, making you stronger, and helping you recouperate quicker after your workout. This is the essence of Nitrix.

Sounds good doesn't it? But many people often forget one simple thing: There is no point saturating your muscles with increased blood flow unless you are saturating your blood with nutrients. Supplements like Nitrix will have no 'real' effect unless you employ proper nutrition to your workout routine! Supplements like Nitrix will inherently make you 'look' bigger, but this is only due to the increased amount of blood to your muscles. To get the most out of Nitrix, i.e. to build solid, huge muscles, you will need to supplement your diet with sufficient amounts of protein, carbs, and fats in conjunction with using Nitrix.

A meal plan is often the best way of making sure you're getting the essential nutrients your body will need after a workout. Eating a protein rich meal between 5 and 6 times a day is the way to go. These meal plans are easy to make, many bodybuilders and people serious about working out have them already.

In conclusion, Nitrix is a good supplement, but only when used correctly in conjunction with a proper training and nutrition regime. Unless you are willing to commit to a proper regime, or have exceptional genetics, using supplements such as Nitrix will make little real difference to your physique.

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Saturday, May 05, 2007

Home Made Detox Recipes for Cleansing

Detoxification refers to the process of removing toxic substances from the body. For most people, this means the residue of all of the undigested unhealthy foods that we spend so much time consuming. Benefits of using detox a recipe includes that you will both bring your body to a healthier level, and help you with weight loss.

A detox recipe may include a diversity of ingredients, depending on which area of your body you want to cleanse, as well as what your personal tastes and preferences are. The goal is to detoxify your body with healing foods that will revive your body from within, and increase your energy and overall wellbeing.

Lemon Detox Diet Recipe

One of the easiest detox recipes to make is a lemon drink for replacement of all solid foods for a period of up to a week or even two. You could also simply substitute a meal or two each day with the lemon beverage if you prefer. This drink is created by adding two tablespoons of brown rice syrup along with two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice to a glass full of water. You may add a dash of fresh grated ginger for taste and to help your digestive system function. Use in place of solid food whenever hunger strikes.

Fresh Fruit Detox Recipes

Fresh fruit like bananas, apples and strawberries can be used to whip up satisfying detox salads. You can use strawberries, lemon zest, extra soft tofu, and honey to make a deilghtful dessert.

The apple detox diet advises three days of eating only apples and applesauce, and drinking apple juice and cider. Fruit is a great way of cleansing the body and bringing wellness and vitality to your life.

Prior to having a new detox recipe, you should spend, at the minimum, seven days eating a light nutritional fare for cleansing your colon and readying your body for the more dynamic detox recipes. This includes avoiding junk foods, and maintaining the healthy diet for a full week. Look for detox recipes which include only wholesome ingredients like fresh fruits and vegetables, extra-virgin olive oil, unsalted nuts and seeds, and herbal teas.

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Friday, May 04, 2007

Post Traumatic Stress - Healing The Cause

The first documented case of psychological distress was reported in 1900 BCE, Egypt by an Egyptian physician who described a "hysterical" reaction to trauma (Veith 1965).

Railway spine was diagnosed in the nineteenth-century for the post-traumatic symptoms of passengers involved in railroad accidents. The first full length medical study of the condition was John Eric Erichsen's On Railway and Other Injuries of the Nervous System, published in 1864. For this reason, railway spine is often known as "Erichsen's disease". Many physicians thought that the symptoms were due to the "excessive speeds" (about 30 mph), and that the human body could not cope with speeds that fast. It was later found to be purely psychological in origin, and no longer exists as a valid disorder.[1][2]

There are numerous reports of military veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)-like symptoms for over 100 years. Veterans of the US Civil War who suffered emotional problems were diagnosed as being afflicted with "soldier's heart" or "Da Costa's Syndrome" which shares many symptoms like PTSD. Shell shock was a term used to describe the condition of veterans of World War I who seemed emotionally disturbed in a similar fashion. In World War II, these symptoms were classified as "battle fatigue" or "combat fatigue". Other terms used to describe military-related mood disturbances include "nostalgia", "not yet diagnosed nervous", "irritable heart", "effort syndrome", "war neurosis", and "operational exhaustion".[3][4][5][6][7]

PTSD first appeared in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) in 1980. The criteria for PTSD has in part, socio-economic and political implications (Mezey & Robbins 2001). War veterans are the most publicly-recognized victims of PTSD; long-term psychiatric illness was formally observed in World War I veterans. The syndrome entered wide public consciousness after the Vietnam War.

More recently other life-threatening natural and manmade disasters, major public health problems, physical and sexual abuse—incest and rape, violent trauma, domestic violence and accidents are included as criteria in a PTSD diagnosis.

The most effective approach to PTSD treatment is Holistic Healing using the unconscious mind—a.k.a. healing emotional issues at the core. Holistic healing addresses the all-important relationship to one's true spiritual nature. Transforming the psychological conditional patterns and unconscious beliefs that arise from our personal histories and adaptations effectively transforms our mind, body and spirit.

Hypnosis has emerged as a dynamic and vital therapeutic modality embracing many disciplines with traditional and non-traditional practitioners in the treatment of PTSD. Hypnosis is client-centered with its focus on the discovery of the origin of a client's issues. And through the process of hypnosis the unconscious mind goes to the original cause, which then gives the client and therapist the opportunity to process the original feelings surrounding the original experience or even thus the cause of the symptoms labeled PTST can be healed at the deepest level.

Thus, you transform how you feel, sense, and experience global political mass consciousness, as well as your individual consciousness, like never before. A Mind, Body, Spirit approach addresses the three critical aspects of one's being, therefore opening the door to true balance and emotional healing.

Well-being comes from the understanding of the Self, the family, the local community in which we live, and the global community of which we are a part. We are each one heart of the Whole; each heart here to express its unique piece of the Whole. Knowing Self creates a sense of "I as a piece of this Whole," different and one at the same time.

American Health Magazine reported these findings from a comparison study.

• Behavior Therapy: Creates a 72% recovery after 22 sessions

• Psychoanalysis: Creates a 38% recovery after 600 sessions

• Hypnosis: Creates a 93% recovery after 6 sessions

1. Herbert W. Page, Injuries of the Spine and Spinal Cord Without Apparent Mechanical Lesion, and Nervous Shock, in their Surgical and Medico-Legal Aspects (London: J. & A. Churchill, 1883), p. 162.

2. Trimble, M. R. (1981) Post-Traumatic Neurosis, From Railway Spine to the Whiplash, Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.

3. Dispatches:Lessons learned for Soldiers; Stress Injury and Operational Deployments, The Army Lessons Learned Centre Canadian Forces Base Kingston, Vol 10, No.1, February 2004.

4. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Revisited, Friedhelm Lamprecht and Martin Sack, Psychosomatic Medicine 64:222-237 (2002)

5. PTSD and Older Veterans, National Center for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, US Department of Veterans Affairs

6. Shell Shock to PTSD Military Psychiatry from 1900 to the Gulf War (Maudsley Monographs), Edgar Jones, Psychology Press; 1 edition (January 13, 2006), ISBN-10: 1841695807

7. Flashbacks and PTSD, D. M. Hambridge, and Author's Reply, E. Jones, R. H. Vermaas, C. Beech and S. Wessely, H. McCartney, I. Palmer, K. Hyams, edited by Stanley Zammit, The British Journal of Psychiatry (2003) 183: 76-77.

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Thursday, May 03, 2007

Benefits of Detox Foot Pads

The actual idea of detox foot pads appears from a scientific study of trees. Scientists wanted to know how trees had the power to soak up water from the ground and purify it
to facilitate healthy growth. They exposed that when they applied pure sap fluid to acupuncture points on any human body it has the ability to soak up toxins through the

Toxins are normally referred to anything unnatural in our bodies and any man-made substances and chemical that enters our bodies on a daily basis. Most of the foods and
drinks are comprises of colors and preservatives, we breathe in polluted air from vehicles and manufacturing processes and we apply man-made things to our skin in the
form of make-up, deodorants and perfumes. These toxins as well have the ability to clog up our digestive system, so that absorption of nutrients and goodness from food
take longer and hence our metabolism system is not as effective as it has to be.

Foot rub is an ancient Chinese treatment whereby various areas on the soles of the feet are relevant to glands, organs and as well the other parts of our body. Stimulating
the nerve ending in the feet develops energy flow and circulation to problem areas of the body, clearing toxin build up and removing waste. The feet are therefore the most
excellent place for successful use of the pads. The ingredients in the foot pad stimulate the nerve endings, draw out the toxins and pass their cleansing powers into the
body's system.

Benefits of the Detox Foot Pad can

- Release surplus toxins

- Improves our energy levels

- Reduce all types of aches and tiredness

- Reduce stress

- Increase our metabolism system

- Reduces weight

- Simple and very easy to use

How to use it?

Simply put the Detox pads on before going sleeping, you would require one pad for each foot.

The pads might feel warm after you have put them on. During the night the pads would turn dark in colour as they soak up toxins and unwanted matter from your body. They
might also turn sticky depending on the levels of toxins present in our body.

Wear the pads for no less than 8 hours a night for maximum effect. The more toxins you have in your body the darker the patch would be when you remove them. With
continued use the pads would also become lighter. You might detox in a few days or take longer depending on the state your body is in! When the pad turn to pale your
body is pure.

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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

How Does Subconscious Weight Loss Work?

Obesity has now become a pandemic for both adults and children and although there are numerous pills, drinks and diet plans on offer today that promise you will lose weight the end result is consequential and in some cases you will end up gaining weight instead. Like most people you have spent countless years on different diet programs and the cost of this has been exorbitant and even if you lost weight initially it soon all came back. So how does subconscious weight loss actually work and how can it help?

Whilst scientists are still trying to find the cause as well as a cure for obesity there is a scientific method which has proven to be successful although it has not been revealed to the general public. But to put it simply the best method to achieve weight loss lies within a person's mind and is known as subliminal messaging. It should be remembered that the subconscious mind is always aware and has unlimited power and once tapped into it can produce results unlike any other form of treatment.

So how can subliminal messaging change a person's behavior? There is a theory around that subliminal messages gain power as they bypass the action of the conscious mind and this allows messages or suggestive thoughts to enter the subconscious without any verbal commands. So by using subliminal software such as Mindflasher you are not only introducing specific words to your subconscious but you are also persuading it to act upon these words.

Unfortunately weight gain affects everyone and it requires focus, vigilance and constant effort on your part in order to keep it off. It is not only frustrating, time consuming, expensive but in some cases can be dangerous. So how can subliminal messaging achieve what other products haven't been able to do? The answer is quite simple in that the power of subliminal message sofware is proven to foster results and allows us to achieve success in all areas of our lifes which also includes weight loss. This software can be automatically incorporated into the words on your computer and whilst you are surfing the net or checking emails your subconscious will focus on the words that are displayed and then store them in its memory bank. Then these words will spill over into your conscious mind and your goals will then be realized (and your eyes do not even need to see these words). So remember why not give subconscious weight loss a chance and remember you have the power within you, all you need to do is tap into that power and it will change your life for the better.

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