Constipation Relief Is But A Bowel Movement Away
Good grief!
Constipation relief is a delight like few others if you are the one who has been fighting the battle of the poop.
There are way too many patients seeking help from their healthcare provider for a bout of constipation. It is one of the most common gastrointestinal (GI) complaints heard in physician's office.
The cramping, the bloating and of course the embarrassment of admitting that you are struggling to get things moving again is often more than some can admit to owning.
When waste remains in your colon for too long and too much water is sucked up into the intestines you are left behind with rock hard, dry stool which can leave you straining to relieve your constipation.
When constipation occurs, your bowel movements can cause you a lot of pain and discomfort when you try to pass them. You may even experience some bloating as a result of the dry, hard stool being locked up in the colon.
Ok, let's put one thing to rest right now. There are many who feel something is wrong if they don't have a bowel movement every single day. But this in fact is not true. Every individual has a differing regularity pattern and so there is not need to worry if yours is different from your best friends or your mothers. You are an individual, so live like one! As long as you know what is normal for you and pay attention to that pattern then you are ok.
One of the most common causes of constipation is dietary. An adequate amount of fiber is necessary if you want to have a regular pattern of bowel movements. But when you eat a diet that is loaded with fat or refined sugar and slim on whole grains and vegetables, then you are headed for trouble.
The American Dietetic Association (ADA) teaches that the average adult should take in a minimum of 20 to 35 grams of fiber every day. But is seems that most folks only get between 12 and 17 grams of fiber a day. When you get enough fiber, it works to keep your colon from absorbing too much water and so helps your bowel movements to remain softer and moist.
Other possible causes of constipation include lack of exercise as well as certain types of medications. There are many medications on today's market treating a variety of conditions that have constipation as a side effect. Also a lack of physical activity can also lead to constipation. So if you want to get moving, review your list of medications and then get moving!
Here's another important constipation relief tip. If you have to poop, then by all means, take the time to go to the bathroom and relieve your bowels. Ignoring the urge to defecate can actually cause constipation.
While extreme cases of constipation require laxatives in order to obtain relief, other cases of constipation may be resolved by simple lifestyle changes. Easy changes in your day such as taking in enough water, getting enough fiber and taking the time to exercise can help you to find constipation relief.
Start out by working on the things that you can easily change to give you constipation relief and then if those things aren't working then see your healthcare provider in order to get the constipation relief you need.
Labels: acid reflux, Chohn's disease, constipation, iritable bowel syndrome, stomach pain, stomach ulcer
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