Friday, June 29, 2007

Constipation Relief Is But A Bowel Movement Away

Good grief!

Constipation relief is a delight like few others if you are the one who has been fighting the battle of the poop.

There are way too many patients seeking help from their healthcare provider for a bout of constipation. It is one of the most common gastrointestinal (GI) complaints heard in physician's office.

The cramping, the bloating and of course the embarrassment of admitting that you are struggling to get things moving again is often more than some can admit to owning.

When waste remains in your colon for too long and too much water is sucked up into the intestines you are left behind with rock hard, dry stool which can leave you straining to relieve your constipation.

When constipation occurs, your bowel movements can cause you a lot of pain and discomfort when you try to pass them. You may even experience some bloating as a result of the dry, hard stool being locked up in the colon.

Ok, let's put one thing to rest right now. There are many who feel something is wrong if they don't have a bowel movement every single day. But this in fact is not true. Every individual has a differing regularity pattern and so there is not need to worry if yours is different from your best friends or your mothers. You are an individual, so live like one! As long as you know what is normal for you and pay attention to that pattern then you are ok.

One of the most common causes of constipation is dietary. An adequate amount of fiber is necessary if you want to have a regular pattern of bowel movements. But when you eat a diet that is loaded with fat or refined sugar and slim on whole grains and vegetables, then you are headed for trouble.

The American Dietetic Association (ADA) teaches that the average adult should take in a minimum of 20 to 35 grams of fiber every day. But is seems that most folks only get between 12 and 17 grams of fiber a day. When you get enough fiber, it works to keep your colon from absorbing too much water and so helps your bowel movements to remain softer and moist.

Other possible causes of constipation include lack of exercise as well as certain types of medications. There are many medications on today's market treating a variety of conditions that have constipation as a side effect. Also a lack of physical activity can also lead to constipation. So if you want to get moving, review your list of medications and then get moving!

Here's another important constipation relief tip. If you have to poop, then by all means, take the time to go to the bathroom and relieve your bowels. Ignoring the urge to defecate can actually cause constipation.

While extreme cases of constipation require laxatives in order to obtain relief, other cases of constipation may be resolved by simple lifestyle changes. Easy changes in your day such as taking in enough water, getting enough fiber and taking the time to exercise can help you to find constipation relief.

Start out by working on the things that you can easily change to give you constipation relief and then if those things aren't working then see your healthcare provider in order to get the constipation relief you need.

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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Paraffin Wax Pollutes

There are three main reasons many people avoid buying petroleum (paraffin) products.

1 Petroleum smoke/exhaust contains many carcinogenic toxins and produces ugly black soot.

2 Petroleum wax is not a renewable resource and it is of a limited supply.

3 Burning petroleum products creates air pollution and contributes to global warming.

Paraffin candles contain up to 11 carcinogenic compounds. These 11 compounds have been deemed 'toxic air contaminants' by the State of California. Paraffin wax candle soot particles contain many of the same compounds given off from burning diesel fuel.

Pollutants in homes are 5 to 70 times higher than the highest outdoor levels due to Paraffin wax candle burning. Burning Paraffin wax candles pollute your home.

Health hazards are being created when paraffin (petroleum-based wax) is burned in a candle. Most department stores provide no other option than to buy paraffin candles.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Liquidate The Pounds In Your Weight Loss Diet

So you've laid out a balanced meal plan, are eating less calories than normal, and by all accounts, are eating healthy. But still the pounds cling stubbornly to your body. It's not just you - such is the case with many individuals seeking weight loss. However, these individuals often have something in common: THEY DON'T DRINK ENOUGH WATER. As simple as it may sound, hydrating yourself throughout the day is fundamental to your weight loss diet.

Most people don't drink enough water, whether they're dieting or not. The average person, even if they're not engaged in physically exerting activity, should drink around 8 eight-ounce glasses of water a day. This may sound like a lot, but spaced evenly from morning to night, it's really quite simple. But why is drinking water so key? Take a look at these 3 ways water is key to any weight loss diet:

1.) Water Fights Fat

This is a new one. But really, the effects of water upon your metabolic process of burning fat are profound. Why? Your kidneys typically deal with your body's water intake, but when you don't take in enough water, they can't function as well. You have to meet a sort of minimum requirement - which eight glasses a day most certainly does.

But if you don't meet this threshold, the water-processing duties are shifted to the liver. You don't want this to happen, because the liver is the primary fat-burning organ - it takes the fat in your foods and converts it into energy. If it's too busy dealing with water, however, it can't burn all that fat, and it ends up on your thighs or midriff. So give your liver a break - take a water break.

2.) Water is a Natural Appetite Suppressant

Few people know that your brain, when alerting your body to a need, cannot truly distinguish between feeling thirsty and feeling hungry. This could explain many people's seemingly unquenchable appetite. When you open the fridge just after a meal, what your body is often asking for is water. So instead of having a snack, try some water. You may be pleasantly surprised.

3.) Not Enough Water Tips the Scales

The wrong way. If you aren't taking in your body's needed amount of water, you gain weight, not lose it. This happens because your body will retain water in something akin to fat if it doesn't think it will get enough, in a sort of "survival" reaction. Once you start drinking enough, however, that water fat goes away, because your body understands it is not in danger of going without. Just hydrating yourself could lead to a drop in 4-5 pounds of water fat. Not bad...

Even if you feel like you're doing everything right in your weight loss diet, there may be one key element missing: Water. You're not abnormal, not at all, but why not give yourself an extra boost? Drinking enough water can be a crucial step to finally dropping that weight. It's easy, it's free, and your body will thank you for it.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

How To Choose A Proper Cord Blood Bank

With continuous advancements in cord blood researches, expectant parents should give a serious thought to storing blood cells in a cord blood bank. Choose an appropriate and accredited storage center to preserve the valuable stem cells found in the umbilical cord of your baby. Previously what was being thrown away after clamping and cutting off the cord has now become an inevitable resource to combat life-threatening ailments. However, inefficiency of cord blood banking companies often confuses families and distracts from cord blood banking. Therefore, an authentic storage center with large storage capacity and other facilities is the need of the hour in the accumulation and supply of stem cells.

Factors To Watch Out For In Choosing A Cord Blood Cell Storage Center

Growing number of storage centers in America are catering to the need for storing umbilical cord blood stem cells. People may expect to pay around $1,500 as initial payments and thereafter, $100 as annual payment. Some organizations enable donors to save as much as $500 on their total expenses of cord blood stem cell banking. Though the cost of cord blood registry seems to be unaffordable by most of the donors, this expensive investment can help you give your family a safeguard in the face of major ailments.

Some companies have their own infrastructure to support storage facility, while other companies may use third parties' support to store your samples. Using the second type to bank blood cord cells is not prohibited, but, be certain that you have sufficient details of the bank that preserves your samples.

Before you decide to use a company's storage services, check out their records to ensure incidences of transplants where their stored cord blood samples have been used. The ultimate goal of cord blood registry is to be used in the transplants. Hence, donors must check the records to find how frequently and efficiently the storage center has used their samples. Different methods of storage bring different levels of success in transplants. Therefore, enquire about the methods followed by the company in storing and processing of cord blood cells.

It is necessary to get your samples approved by the hospitals for transfusing. Hospitals will not find cord blood samples viable if the storage center is not an accredited company.

Opt for an umbilical cord blood bank that is certified by the AABB. Blood banks certified by the American Association of Blood Banks [AABB] display relevant information on the homepage of their sites in support of their certification received by AABB. Therefore, finding an AABB approved blood cord storage center is not that challenging. Since most of the hospitals prefer samples stored by unaccredited storage center, so you must also prefer an AABB accredited bank to donate your sample.

Researches on cord blood cells are advancing. Increasing numbers of healing benefits have spurred greater requirements for cord blood cells to treat numerous ailments. Hence, a cord blood bank can elevate its standard of quality and genuineness to supply greater quantities of these cells to save your family from more than 70 deadly diseases.

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Monday, June 25, 2007

Autistic Child Recovering

As a parent of a child with autism, many people ask me, "Is autism curable?" Most experts will tell you, "No, but it is treatable." However, there are documented cases of an autistic child recovering. Of course, there is a difference between "cure" and "recover." Because there is so much about autism from a neurological standpoint that remains unknown, there can not possible be a "cure" for autism until its cause is discovered. Until the cause is discovered, it is more appropriate to use the word "recover". Total recovery from autism is achieved when the autistic child is indistinguishable from his or her peers.

So autism isn't curable, but people have recovered from it. Almost half of the autistic children who are enrolled in Early Intervention Programs make significant progress toward recovery; some even fully recover. The earlier that autism is detected and diagnosed, the sooner treatment can start and chances for any degree of recovery are much greater.

One method of autistic recovery that has helped my son significantly is Applied Behavior Analysis, or ABA. ABA is especially helpful for children with autism because it teaches life and social skills through careful behavioral observation and positive reinforcement. His ABA therapists are highly trained professionals and he spends almost 30 hours a week learning different behaviors. Once he masters a skill or behavior in ABA, his therapists and I begin to work on his mastery of the skill/behavior in a social setting. It requires a lot of work and commitment, but the results I've seen so far are amazing and I'm more than willing to keep researching ABA techniques and keep in very close contact with his therapists.

There are several techniques that his therapists and I use in ABA. Some of the basics are:

• Prompting—assistance provided by the therapist or parent to encourage a desired response from the autistic child. Verbal prompts are the least desirable since they are the hardest to "fade." Other prompts include modeling the action, gestures, and physical prompting—literally guiding the child's hands in the activity.

• Fading-- the gradual phasing out of prompts, especially verbal prompts

• Chaining—breaking skills down to their individual tasks. For example, instead of "take the dog out", you might ask an autistic child to get the leash, attach it to the dog, and take the dog outside.

• Generalization— the teaching of a skill in a social setting after it has been mastered in therapy

Of course, most children will not recover completely from autism, but all of the parents I've talked to who are engaged in ABA therapy say that it has seriously helped their child and changed their own perceptions of autism. In fact, one parent told me that before her daughter started ABA, she was barely aware of their cat. After several years of ABA, her daughter began to take an interest in the cat—she even feeds it now. Good ABA therapy can make autistic children more aware of the world around them.

So there is definitely no "cure" for autism, and no easy answers. If your child has been diagnosed with autism, the path ahead is not an easy one—but it is filled with memorable achievements and special milestones that most parents don't have the opportunity to experience.

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Saturday, June 23, 2007

Winsor Pilates - Results Not Typical? Why?

While Pilates is a sensational way to get in shape for many people, not everyone is so crazy about certain exercise videos that show how to do it.

As with any infomercial that makes things sound too good to be true, Pilates workout videos don't work for everyone. And even when they do, it may not be necessary to spring for the whole ball of wax -- "systems" that include not only the videos, but a meal plan, journal, and a letter from the host. It may be just as well to borrow a video from someone, or buy it used.

For example, the Mari Winsor Pilates infomercial shows many bodies that are highly unusual -- not the typical results. Yet, it obviously gets people to buy the videos. Not that getting in that kind of shape is impossible. But, most people purchasing the videos will not stick to the program long enough to see such results. That's how it is with most exercise programs. And those who have the kind of tenacity to perfect their abs to the degree pictured in the infomercial, probably do not need a Pilates video -- they'd work out anyway.

This "system" contains a 20-minute workout, a 30-minute Basics video, a 1 hour advanced video, the above-mentioned extra materials, and something called the Winsor Dozen (a 10-minute Pilates workout featuring just 12 exercises, which makes it great for travel). The Mari Winsor Pilates system costs $60, with a $20 discount if you call within a time frame specified in the infomercial.

The 20-minute workout is kind of rushed. Actually taking less than 20 minutes does not enable you to do any one exercise deeply. There are also no exercises designed to target the upper body. The exercises are quite doable, if you are already in decent shape, and will seem very simple if you are already experienced in Pilates, dance, yoga, or stretching. The choreography is very simple and not difficult to follow. Also, the host, Mari, can be annoying. She says "tushie" instead of buttocks -- not very professional. But, she's good at what she does and that's what matters most. The 20-minute video does work, and you will feel better after doing it, just don't force yourself to get it done in 20 minutes.

The advanced video can be very difficult, due to the sequences of the exercises. However, it does work, if you work it. The more diligent you are about sticking with your program, the better the results, and these results can be dramatic.

The meal plan that comes with the system, while containing some useful information about eating well, has a very rigid menu. The Winsor Pilates diet does not accommodate vegetarians or those with allergies. And because it dictates exactly what to eat over a period of 10 days, with no viable substitutions offered, it might be difficult to follow. On the other hand, if someone wants a very militaristic approach to being told what to eat, this booklet will do it.

The bottom line is that the Winsor Pilates tapes do have value, but maybe not $40-$60 worth, depending on how much of it and how often it will get used. It is suggested that one rent a variety of Pilates titles from the local video store before deciding to purchase this set.

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Friday, June 22, 2007

Omega 3 PUFA Diet For Kids & Adolescents-Fats You Need To Feed Your Kids- Smart Brain, Smart Body!

You'd have to be living in a cave to not know about the childhood obesity problem we're experiencing not only here in the US, but in other countries who have adopted our fast-food-way-of-eating lifestyle. So, being the good parents that we are, we are have taken the (Fat) bull by the horns and are on the no/low fat bandwagon. Get the kids off the couch and away from the computer, eat their fruits and veggies, and get healthy, right? Half right. Something's missing. Something major is missing from our kids' diets.

Look at the store shelves… "lite" food, 1% fat, 2% fat, low-fat, no fat! But wait! We need some fat in our diets to metabolize those fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K, to gently cushion our internal organs, and keep our skin and hair looking healthy. Eating less saturated fat, the kind that's solid at room temperature, that's a good thing. Ah, but there are fats that we aren't getting enough of! I'm referring to, PUFA's (Polyunsaturated fatty acids). Specifically, the long chain PUFA's found in the fatty acids of fatty fish. Apologies to Mrs. Paul's, but I'm not talking fish sticks, here. Cod is a great tasting, low fat fish, but definitely not on the menu when it comes to PUFA's. I'm referring to Omega 3's from fatty fish: salmon, mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines, and albacore tuna.

The quickly mounting research regarding the lack of Omega 3's in the diet is hard to deny, specifically, its relationship to neurodevelopmental disorders. Critical to brain development (Every expectant mom should be taking a molecularly distilled, guaranteed contaminate free Omega 3 supplement), its role in brain function is also documented. I have a friend with a ten year old son who has a short term memory deficit. She began giving him a liquid Omega 3 supplement high in DHA (One of the fatty acids in Omega 3), and he said to her, "Mom, I actually feel smarter since I'm taking this stuff!" Was it just a coincidence that the grades on his next report card all went up across the board? I think not!

Take, for example, a 2006 double blind, placebo controlled study from the U. of Southern Australia where Omega 3 marine oil supplements bettered vitamins and minerals with a group of 132 kids with ADHD. I think you'll agree with me that clearly, research is warranted in this area, not only for ADHD but dyslexia, autism, DCD, depression, anorexia, the list goes on.

As a parent, I want the best for my own child. I know, although she likes it, that she'd balk at eating fatty fish four times a week. I urge you to find the right PUFA's for your family. I'm thrilled that mine found an easy to take, natural Omega 3 supplement which not only helps my daughter function in the classroom, but also helps to keep her "tween" hormones in check!

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Info About Cold Sore Attacks You Must Know

Are you searching for fresh and accurate info about cold sore events? Maybe you are seeking information for your cold sore, or that of a family member. Whatever the reason you are reading this, the more cold sores information you have, the less threatening they will be.

In this article, I will give you great info about cold sore attacks that you can use. You will discover, in a minute, practical and fresh info about cold sores that you will not find anywhere else.

Cold sores are not new. Yes, they certainly are an epidemic of global proportions today. But, according to history, cold sore outbreaks were epidemic even 2000 years ago. Over 59% of the world population today will get a cold sore in the next 24 months. Most will have multiple cold sores during that time.

How many do you get per year? The average is three to four outbreaks per 12-month period.

The root cause of a cold sore outbreak is an active herpes simplex virus. There are two types of this virus that are known to cause cold sores. Herpes simplex type 1 causes 79% of the facial sores. Type 2 herpes is the cause of the other 21%. A sore created by either type of herpes is identical in look, feel, and duration time. There is six other herpes simplex viruses that cause diseases such as mono, chicken pox, and shingles.

No info about cold sore events should be presented without mention of how easy it is for spreading cold sore virus. Simply put, cold sores are EXTREMELY AND DANGEROUSLY CONTAGIOUS. Your cold sore virus, when active, can be spread to others by touch, or by commonly used objects, such as faucets. You can also easily spread it to other areas of your own body. The most feared is infecting your eye. Such an event can cause permanent loss of vision. Usual cause of spreading cold sore virus to the eyes is contaminated fingers.

The herpes simplex virus is sub-microscopic. Tiny indeed. Similar size viruses are head cold and flu viruses. When you have a head cold or flu, your mouth and nasal fluids contain these viruses. Same is true with active cold sores. When you sneeze or cough, these viruses can become airborne in droplets of moisture and infect people near you.

Fortunately, cold sores will generally stay in the same area as the initial infection site. They have not, as yet, been known to spread internally. A close cousin, chicken pox, does spread internally and creates sores all over the body. Fortunately, one bout with chicken pox is all you will likely have in a lifetime.

This is not so with cold sores.

Your cold sore attacks can reoccur many times over your lifetime. With each cold sore event, your body creates additional anti-bodies to protect you. However, the cold sore virus is extremely good at hiding and survival. Because of this, the herpes simplex virus will likely be with you for life.

Only recently have scientists discovered why.

The herpes simplex virus will hide in your nerve cells in the nerve ganglia near your ear - for facial cold sores. Not only does this virus hide in the nerve cell, it actually takes control of it. Each of your cells is programmed to die and be reborn. The cold sore virus interferes with this process and will not let the cell die. In addition, the virus will hibernate in such a way that it gives off little or no signs of life that could be tracked by our body defenses. Over the centuries, it truly has adapted for survival.

The open, weeping cold sore occurs when the herpes virus replicates. The virus senses when your immunity is down or distracted. It then becomes active and quickly moves to the surface through the nerve fibers. Once at the surface, each virus enters a nerve cell. It then forces the cell to create clones of itself. When the cell is full, the original virus kills the cell to release the new viruses. These new viruses are complete and full size, identical to the original virus.

You have now learned that the root cause of cold sores is the replication process of the herpes simplex virus. You have also discovered that this virus is a master at hiding. It hides undetected from our own body defenses and all the medications invented so far. And finally, you now know that cold sore virus is not just an inconvenience but is dangerously contagious. The ease of spreading cold sore virus is why it is an epidemic today.

I hope this helps in your search for info about cold sore.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Anti-Depression Natural Remedies

Though the colloquial term we use for a bad mood is depression, we definitely don't refer to the clinical condition that requires intensive drug therapy. The common melancholia or sadness is usually caused by too much stress at work, lack of emotional satisfaction or some little personal failure. Such nervous and emotional conditions can be easily treated without turning to narcotic medication. One favorite alternative medicine form meant to release all the negative feelings is aromatherapy; it improves a person's mood and health inducing a state of well-being by the use of volatile herbal oils and extracts. For instance, it has become very popular now to use scented candles with essential oils as means of relaxation.

For instance ylang-ylang essential oil is successfully used in aromatherapy, soothing the nerves and helping with relaxation. But lavender oil serves even better for the purpose. Herbal extracts work even better for your mood if administered internally; you may turn to the tea form for instance as the easiest to use. Jasmine tea, a favorite of millions of people in Asia, has actually conquered the world with its unique flavor. It has a mild soothing action at the level of the nervous central system, inducing feelings of calm and tranquility. Drunk half an hour before going to bed, jasmine tea prepares the nerves for a good night's rest.

Another anti-depression herbal remedy is the valerian herb, usually recommended in the treatment of sleep disorders and nervous instability. Valerian is a mild sedative with soothing effects on the nervous system. Valerian can be used in tea form or as tincture whenever you feel overwhelmed by stress or strong emotions that get out of control. Part of its effect is the inducing of sleepiness, due to the relaxant properties of its active principles, therefore it is best to be administered in the evening. When used during the day, it is a good idea to have a light tea, so that you be able to go on with duty activities properly.

For more information on natural treatments and homeopathic remedies, please subscribe to the silver bulletin e-news magazine HERE.

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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Head Lice And Home Remedies - Do They Really Work?

Good grief!

Surely the note is wrong!

You're a good parent, what on earth has happened?

The note from the school nurse says that your child has head lice. It sort of makes you want to hide your face with a paper sack. Head lice! Simply disgusting! How on earth can that have happened to your child?

Well, the issue is head lice can happen to anyone.

Head lice have no qualms about invading the head of the most impeccably clean and well to do child.

Yes, you shampoo and comb and brush your child's hair every single night but really that doesn't matter at all.

Head lice infestations can happen to the best of us. But you have already made a decision that you are not interested in using pesticides to kill the head lice. That simply sounds too harsh and something you are not comfortable with.

That is okay.

Home remedies for head lice may be something that you are more comfortable with and if that is so be sure to do the research first before you make a final decision on which home remedy to use.

The first home remedy for head lice that you might consider is simply trying to comb them out with a special nit comb or by using a pet style flea brush.

This will be a long and tedious method.

If you are going to use this style of home treatment get ready to be patient.

Wet your child's hair and use a conditioner or even olive oil, divide the hair into small sections and then begin by combing from the root of the hair out to the end of the strand.

Look at the comb every time it passes through a section of the hair. You might even consider combing your child's hair over a bowl of water or over a white paper towel so you can see what you are able to comb out of each strand of hair. This method does take a lot of time and a lot of patience from not only you but from your child as well.

If you have made the decision to use an over-the-counter head lice treatment then make sure that you thoroughly read the warning on the boxes label because there are many side effects associated with these treatments.

Side effects include things such as scalp irritation, head rashes and even eczema. There is even a study which seems to link the chemical treatment of children with head lice to a higher incidence of leukemia.

Again, there are no hard core facts but it is certainly something to take into consideration. It is also important to remember if you are pregnant or nursing you must not use over-the-counter chemical head lice treatments.

One successful home remedy for head lice treatment is a combination of tea tree oil, citronella, lavender oil, and neem oil.

Tea tree oil which comes from the Melaleuca plant in Australia has properties which are known to be both anti-septic and anti-fungal. Tea tree oil is used to fight and insect bites, acne, colds, flu, and even mouth infections. Citronella oil comes from a grass and is very well known and widely used to repel both insects, such as mosquitoes, flies, and ticks.

Lavender oil is used to treat insect bites, fungal infections, sunburn, and even anxiety. It is a known relaxant. Neem oil also found in Australia is used as an insect repellent and also has other therapeutic purposes particularly associated with healing skin diseases.

You may be able to find this combination of natural head lice treatment products at your natural health food store or online.

Home remedies for head lice treatment certainly vary, but there have been many reports of effective natural treatments for head lice.

If you choose not to use pesticide chemicals in order to rid your child of head lice, this decision is totally up to you.

However, you must do something about the head lice, ignoring it is not an option, and a home remedy or more natural approach seems to be a good choice for you.

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Is the Dove Deodorant an Ideal Treatment for Excessive Sweating?

Many of us who suffer from excessive sweating issues contemplate the idea using a known brand of deodorants as they can be trusted and known to be effective. Yes, although there are many different brands that can be used, some of them are not as helpful as they claim.

These other deodorants will at times cause an allergic skin reaction. So when you are hunting for a deodorant that provides the sweat protection that you need while being protective to your skin, Dove deodorant seems to come to mind.

While looking at the various Dove deodorant products you will notice that this deodorant is divided into two categories. The first group would be deodorants and the second group is that of antiperspirant deodorants. You need to decide which of these two groups you wish to buy your deodorant from. And when you are looking into the different products you will have a choice of roll-on Dove deodorant or solid deodorant.

The choice of these is really a matter of preference but there are certain facts you might like to consider. You might need to get hold of some samples to better understand how these two Dove deodorant sticks will work for. With these samples you could then choose the better deodorant treatment for your excessive sweating.

In the roll-on deodorants the protective barrier comes out as a liquid. It then spreads on the underarms in a smooth gliding motion but it is wet at first. You will need to wait a while before you put any clothes on so as to prevent any stains from occurring.

The solid Dove deodorant on the other hand needs to be pushed to the top of the stick in a small quantity. You then wipe the surface of the deodorant over your underarm skin. As this solid deodorant, is dry yet smooth you will not feel any sort of wetness and this means that you will not have to wait before you start dressing.

In the range of Dove deodorants you can think about buying the classic solid formula either with a mild fragrance or a fragrance free formula. You will also be able to choose Dove deodorants which are clear invisible solids. You can also find a Dove deodorant which is known as Dove Ultimate Clear. However, these are only the main product range and you will still need to see what sort of Dove deodorant you can buy. The right kind of product can certainly aid as a treatment for excessive sweating concerns.

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Monday, June 11, 2007

The Breathing Gurus Have Got It Wrong! Four Common Myths About Breathing

It seems like every time you read about a health issue in a magazine or website lately some alternative health guru is giving out breathing instructions. These can range from the totally ludicrous to the simply misinformed. Much breathing advice is a perfect example of misguided information that "sounds" right and gets repeated so many times that it takes on the ring of truth. This is how myths are formed.

The only thing true about common breathing beliefs is that breathing is indeed a marvellous healing tool - when done naturally and correctly. So it's especially sad that so much of what passes for sound advice can often do more harm than good. Here are four of the most common misconceptions about breathing:

"Deep breathing exercises are beneficial" Deep breathing is probably the most popular advice to be heard on this issue. Unfortunately, the way these exercises are described will only lead to hyperventilation, not improved health. The symptoms include dizziness, light-headedness, confusion, and nausea. And to imagine that this is the most common advice given to relieve panic attacks!

"We don't get enough oxygen" Shallow breathing high in the chest supposedly robs us of oxygen. But, fortunately, we get more than enough oxygen. In fact, we're more often oxygen saturated and what we really need is to slow down and get more carbon dioxide!

Users of the Buteyko Method have convincingly debunked the oxygen depletion myth by applying this principle in the treatment of asthma. Slow breathing to lower high blood pressure works on a similar basis that is clinically proven.

"Inhale to a count to 4, pause for 2 seconds, then exhale... (and all similar)" Typical breathing instructions include some variant of a counting procedure. Counting your breathing is counter-productive! Every benefit to be derived from healthy breathing demands total relaxation and there's no way to relax while counting. The same goes for following any type of external timekeeper.

"You must breathe with your abdomen" This is usually accompanied by an explanation that babies breathe naturally with their abdomen and that somewhere along the way we've been corrupted into breathing with our chests. This is one of those things that "seems" so convincing. Until you really think about it. The reason we don't breathe like babies any more is because we've developed into adults!

Most activities require chest breathing and the only time when abdominal breathing is appropriate is in a state of deep relaxation. Abdominal breathing, in fact, can be very beneficial but it follows naturally from a healthy and natural form of breathing.

You can easily find a lot more breathing silliness such as breathing through one nostril and out the other but these are absurdities that don't need comment. They mostly have to do with over-complication.

Complicated or exotic breathing methods may be great challenges for yoga or meditation but are unsuitable for most purposes. They can be especially off-putting for the uninitiated who could most benefit from an easy and rational breathing method.

Simple, healthy breathing comes naturally, despite what some say. Using a simple, natural form of breathing as described below while relaxing for 15 minutes a day is clinically proven to produce a wide range of important health benefits.

Natural, healthy breathing is slow and gentle. Easy does it!

"Deep breathing" is a dangerous and misleading description that usually does more harm than good. A better way to visualize healthy breathing is "slow and gentle". You should forget about getting more oxygen, which you don't need at rest, and focus on breathing more slowly. Slow breathing is the key to health. When you do slow breathing 10 breaths per minute is the absolute maximum and with practice you should be able to get down to 6 breaths a minute.

The second key word is "gently". Breathing gently helps slow you down, relaxes you and also prevents hyperventilation.

Timing is crucial - but don't count on it!

Your breathing pattern is just as important as the rate. You should exhale for approximately twice as long as you inhale. A short pause of a second or two between phases is natural. But there's absolutely no need to count or follow a timekeeper! It's simply not possible to relax deeply while counting or focusing on time. Staying relaxed is far more important than precision timing.

Besides, your internal clock can easily figure it close enough and keep you on the right cycle. Just internalise the formula: inhale, pause, exhale twice as long as inhale. It's easy!

The emphasis is obviously on exhaling. When you exhale relax into it totally and let the air pressure expel itself instead of using muscular force. If you do it right you should feel an incredible release of tension in your chest. This is what opens up blood vessels and lowers blood pressure.

Abdominal breathing - it's only natural

Abdominal breathing is very healthy while relaxing but it follows naturally as a result of slow and gentle breathing. For some people it comes quickly and easily; for others it takes longer. But to try to instill it right off the bat is to put the cart before the horse. It only disturbs the relaxation you need to benefit from this type of breathing in the first place.

So don't worry about abdominal breathing. Follow my easy breathing method for 15 minutes a day and you'll be breathing like a baby again without even realizing it. You'll also discover lower blood pressure, lower levels of stress and anxiety, improved sleep, better moods and any other of the many health benefits that come from the power that lies hidden in your breathing.

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Sunday, June 10, 2007

An Overview On Multi Vitamin

It seems these days we're all just a little too busy to eat proper meals every day. This can leave us lacking in vital vitamins and minerals which are crucial to keeping us healthy. More and more people are including a daily multi vitamin in their routine in order to make sure that nothing important is missed when it comes to nutrition.

There was a time when you could just pull a bottle of multi vitamins off the shelf and be off. But now, the choice isn't quite so simple. In fact, there are so many choices available in the vitamin aisle it can be hard to figure out what to buy.

Multi vitamins are available specially formulated for women, for men, for children, for seniors, for very active people and for pregnant women. You wouldn't think that our nutritional needs could be so different, but is this progress or just clever marketing? Is there really any difference between all of these products?

Let's compare the different formulas of one popular brand. One-a-Day has been selling multi vitamins for decades, and they now have fourteen different options, including four for kids.

Their women's formula features a larger amount of calcium and other bone-strengthening nutrients. Women are more prone to losing bone mass over the years than men, so a good supply of calcium is important to prevent osteoporosis.

The women's vitamin also includes folic acid, which is necessary for women who may become pregnant as it reduces the chances of birth defects. The addition of iron is another extra for women. Since women lose blood every month through menstruation, their iron levels can get low if they don't eat much meat. An iron supplement prevents anemia.

The men's formula, on the other hand, includes no iron at all. This is because research has shown that too much iron can contribute to heart disease - a big health concern for many men. The other key ingredient in the men's vitamin is lycopene, which has been linked with good prostate health. Obviously, this is something women aren't worried about, but it is important for men.

The 50 Plus version for older people has a different combination of nutrients. Although the same basics are there, you'll find extra high levels of vitamin C, which contributes to healthy joints. Since many seniors find their joints deteriorating over time, this is something they might look for. However, popular joint supplements like glucosamine aren't added to this multivitamin.

Since the low carb craze continues, the company has introduced a Carb Smart multi vitamin. This formulation is designed to replenish some of the nutrients that can be lacking in a low carbohydrate diet. This includes things like vitamin C, which is found in fruits and fruit juices, and the B vitamins which most people get from enriched grain products like breakfast cereals and bread.

As you can see, there are many decisions to make when you choose a multi vitamin. It's important to look at your diet and lifestyle to determine which nutrients you need to supplement more than usual.

The basic ingredients in most of these multi vitamin pills are pretty much identical, so if you have no special needs it's probably best to stick with the simplest formula. Whatever you choose, be sure to check the label so that you know what you're getting.

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Friday, June 08, 2007

Treatment for Excessive Sweating - Natural Treatment to Combat Odor from Your Excessive Sweating

If having excessive sweating as a hygiene problem is not bad enough, you still have to deal with the stale odor that comes with it. These natural treatments are recommended to get rid of the sweat odor that is caused by excessive sweating.

A natural treatment for excessive sweating that can replace your normal deodorants is the crystal deodorant rock. These all-natural deodorants are perfect for the person who wants to combat sweat caused odor.

First of all, you might want to get rid of the number one false impression regarding sweat and sweat induced odor. Yes, in a very broad sense sweat is the reason for you to get that nasty odor, but sweat is not the reason behind the odor.

It merely presents bacteria living on your body, the reason to thrive in these sweaty and damp conditions. These bacteria, or rather the waste product from these bacteria causes you to gain a fish-smelling odor when you sweat.

And this is where crystal deodorant rocks can help you as a natural treatment for excessive sweating woes. The crystal deodorant does not control your sweating by jamming up your pores like antiperspirants. As one of the natural treatment for excessive sweating, it does not cover up any odor that might happen, like normal deodorants.

Instead, the crystal deodorant works by eliminating the odor producing bacteria. This is neither a cover up of any odor, nor does it clog your pores and prevent you from sweating. If you are not comfortable with the idea of still having sweat stains on your clothing, then the crystal deodorant might not be for you. But if all you want is a way to control just how bad you can start to smell, then this type of deodorant is probably your right treatment for excessive sweating.

There are also a few things working in favor of the crystal deodorant rock other than the fact that it helps to eliminate odor causing bacteria. The first one being that it is relatively cheap. In fact, it happens to be the third most abundant material on this planet and is therefore not in short supply!

The second thing is that it is most definitely long lasting. Not only in the area of odor protection, but also relative to its usage. A normal crystal deodorant stick will last anywhere for a year for most people that use this treatment for excessive sweating regularly.

It is relatively simply to apply – all you need to do is to dampen or wet the area that needs deodorant protection, apply the crystal deodorant stick to the area as you would any normal deodorant, and then rinse off the stick in preparation for the next use.

And best of all, by using a crystal deodorant you're keeping the array of harmful chemicals which can be found in normal deodorants and antiperspirants, away from you for good. Crystal deodorant is really the natural treatment for excessive sweating that you will need to help you battle sweaty odor.

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Thursday, June 07, 2007

Helpful Tips in Buying Your Vitamins Online

The body needs the essential nutrients from vitamins to become healthy and strong. This is an effective way to defend the body from harmful diseases. This can also help in improving the state of the body that is currently experiencing medical problems. Thus, buying vitamins and taking them regularly will help your health a lot.

Buy Vitamins Online

Buying your vitamin is definitely a good decision so that you get to ensure that you have all the essential nutrients of your body in your hand. Today, it is completely in your hands to easily buy your vitamins online. Buying vitamins online is made possible by technology. All you will need is to click on your mouse and you can easily purchase your vitamins.

However, it is not all about simply buying the vitamins you see displayed in online shops. You have to make sure that the vitamins you buy online are the ones that you exactly need for your circumstances. Here are some points to keep in mind when you buy vitamins online.

Vitamins are classified into fat-soluble or water-soluble categories. The water-soluble type will be helpful in facilitating the metabolic processes in the body. Once this kind of vitamin has been utilized, they are eventually excreted out of the body. There are many kinds of vitamins that you can use, choose one that fits your health requirements or the one that your physician prescribes.

Buy Vitamin C supplements to maintain the good connection of your body tissues. This is also good for the skin for being an anti-oxidant. It can also facilitate the absorption of iron in the body. Vitamin C will ensure that you do not become a victim of scurvy.

Pregnant women should buy vitamins online that will supplement the need for folic acid. This is a very important element in the formation of the red blood cells. This is also crucial in ensuring that the baby gets to develop properly, particularly in the nervous system.

Vitamin B12 or cobalamin will be very crucial in the normal processes of DNA synthesis. It is needed by people who experience anemia. Pyridoxine or Vitamin B6 aids in your digestion and use of protein in the body. This helps your brain. Thiamine or Vitamin B1 on the other hand is good for your metabolism needs. This will keep beriberi problems away.

Retinol or Vitamin A is another good anti-oxidant. This is very crucial in maintaining good vision of the eyes, particularly at night. This keeps the body from being susceptible to infection. Vitamin A is also a good supplement for people suffering from conditions like acne and psoriasis. You should consider buying Vitamin D supplements online if you think that you have to bank on healthy bones to your body. This helps the system by ensuring that the bones are able to absorb calcium. Just keep in mind that you must not overdo your intake of Vitamin A and D to avoid the effects of having excess amounts in the system.

Vitamin E ensures that you avoid blood clotting. This is perfect for maintaining a healthy skin. This is helpful to ensure that your wounds will heal. There are also no adverse effects in an increased intake of this vitamin.


The body needs all the supplements that will keep it fit and healthy so do not hesitate to buy your vitamins online to grab hold of the essential nutrients for the body.

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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

General Meal Recommended For Good Athletic Performance

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Monday, June 04, 2007

Yoga - The Fat Burner

The ancient art of Yoga is a useful way of staying at the peak of health. It is an ancient art of staying fit, both physically and mentally. The yoga benefits are widespread and they are being discovered even today. The benefits include physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, good mental health and natural healing.

For obese people Yoga is specifically beneficial. Specific yoga poses are available not only for losing weight but also losing weight from specific areas, e.g. the waist or thigh or abdominal areas. Yoga helps tone toning of muscles and obtaining flexibility. Yoga helps to shed excess fat through burning calories, improving metabolism, and encouraging a healthy lifestyle. The benefits may not be instantly visible, but it is an excellent long-term approach to losing excess fat and maintaining it. Along with it Yoga creates many other positive changes; it improves self-esteem, increases mental clarity, reduces stress, and improves flexibility and increases strength and balance.

To compliment the physical exercises it is important that healthy eating habits are developed. A healthy diet is all about eating the right thing in the right quantity. A Yoga diet ensures the input of proper nutrients. Healthy eating habits make people feel fitter and cleaner. Although the Yoga Diet is not a diet in the common sense of the word, it helps one to lose considerable weight by just eating only healthy foods. Following the basic rules of Yoga Diet alone makes one feel better.

The three main components to the practice of Yoga are: breathing, concentration and posture also known as asanas. All three components work together for achieve specific objectives. Breathing techniques, also known a pranayama, is aimed at bringing more oxygen into our blood stream thereby improving the efficiency of our system. Breathing techniques go hand in hand with the various asanas.

Some of the common Yoga postures include: The Bow posture (Dhanur-asana), Wheel posture (Chakra-asana),One-legged posture (Ekapada-asana), Half Spinal Twist posture (Garuda-asana), Cobra or Snake posture (Naga-asana), Hero posture (Vira-asana), Cow face posture (Gomukha-asana), Plow posture (Hala-asana), Hand-foot-big toe posture (Hasta-pada-angusta), Fish posture (Matsya-asana), King of the Dance posture (Nataraja-asana), Lotus posture (Padma-asana), Turned Side-Angle posture (Parivritta-parshvakona), Wind-releasing posture (Pavana mukta-asana), Locust posture (Shalabha-asana), Corpse posture (Shava-asana), Accomplished posture (Siddha-asana), Shooting bow posture (Akarna dhanur-asana), Half Moon posture (Ardha Chandra-asana), Restrained angle posture (Baddha kona-asana), Half Spinal Twist posture (Ardha Matsyendra-asana), Child posture (Bala-asana), Salutation posture (Anjanaya-asana), Lion posture (Simha-asana), Scorpion pose (Vrischika-asana), Headstand posture (Sirsha-asana), Sun Salutation (Surya-namaskar), Mountain pose (Tada-asana), Shoulder stand posture (Sarvanga-asana), Camel posture (Ushtra-asana), Powerful posture (Ugra-asana), Diamond posture (Vajra-asana), Tree pose (Vriksha-asana) and the Triangle pose (Trikona-asana).

Yoga for obesity is the safest and the most reliable way to healthy life. Yoga postures complimented with Yoga diet is probably the most efficient way of not only burning fat but also keeping it away for the rest of our lives.

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Friday, June 01, 2007

Amazing Benefits For Fibromyalgia Sufferers Through Exercise

Exercise is a critical component of good health, especially as you age. Exercise will help you sleep better, lose weight or gain if needed, improve your resistance to infections, help your brain work better, have more energy, lower your risk of cancer and heart disease, and many other benefits. That being said, it can be a challenge for Fibromyalgia sufferers to exercise. This article will go through some amazing benefits and tips to help the Fibromyalgia sufferer exercise and gain the needed benefits.

The key for fibromyalgia sufferers to obtain maximum benefits of exercise is to listen to their body and stick to a program. Listening to your body helps you keep from overdoing it and causing your body additional pain and fatigue. If your symptoms worsen you can modify your program, slow it down, or stop for a period of recovery. As your health and energy improve you can add more intensity to your workouts. If you have the affordability to hire a personal trainer or a physical therapist to help you with your exercises, this is great.

An important exercise tip for those with fibromyalgia is be consistent! Start out slowly and where your body wont become overly fatigued but be consistent. Try and keep to your program every day and build your health. You will find great benefits to your strength, mentality, and overall healing in a consistent program. You will be able to build up to 30-60 minutes a day after consistent practice.

People with fibromyalgia have found great success in exercising through using yoga, pilates and walking. These exercises seem to fit in really well with the symptoms and don't seem to cause too much overdoing it. You can split your sessions up as well. If you don't think you can do a full 30 minutes of yoga, do fifteen. Then walk for another fifteen. Do what you know your body is capable of. If you are having a really bad day and have been in bed, stick with some stretching exercises. Just try and be consistent.

Increase your intensity as you become more healthy and fit. Once you start exercising you will start to feel more energy and become more fit. It's important to increase your intensity to a level your body can handle without overdoing it. Fibromyalgia sufferers have the tendency to push their bodies either too much or not enough. It's your job to find the perfect balance and not go too hard or too easy on yourself.

Fibromyalgia is difficult to exercise with but the benefits of exercise to fibromyalgia are proven and provide amazing benefits. You will sleep better, have more energy, less brain fog, more emotional stability, great disease fighting capabilities and feel better all around.

Copyright (c) 2007 Hailey Harris

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